"pkg install mosquitto" 在 Android 上给出错误,因为试图从 bintray 克隆包(停机维护)

"pkg install mosquitto" on Android gives error since trying to clone packages from bintray (down for maintenance)

我正在尝试在 android 设备上安装 Mosquitto: 我已经安装 termux, also trying to install Mosquitto through termux (following this instruction).

但是,安装会尝试访问 bintray 网站以克隆所需的包。 Bintray 目前正在维护迁移,直到 7 月 4 日。 想问问是否有任何解决方法或我可以使用的任何镜像存储库?或者是否有任何说明可以遵循并为 Android 平台安装 Mosquitto 代理可执行文件?


Checking availability of current mirror: ok
Ign:1 https://dl.bintray.com/grimler/game-packages-24 games InRelease
Ign:2 https://main.termux-mirror.ml stable InRelease
Ign:3 https://dl.bintray.com/grimler/science-packages-24 science InRelease
Err:4 https://dl.bintray.com/grimler/game-packages-24 games Release
403 Forbidden

确保从 Droid 安装 Termux,而不是 google 游戏商店,如本 wiki page
