如何使用 union 或可能使用 enum 做别名?

How to do aliasing with union or possible with enum?


但我不了解 union 的别名,我所知道的别名是 char/ unsigned char,根据本文,这是一个编译器异常。所以,我以前用 char/ unsigned char 做别名的方式就像

// lets say I have struct blah , having int member non_sense, cmmn_sense, intelligence...
struct blah *foo, *foo2;
unsigned char buffer [512];
foo = (struct blah *) (buffer+0);
//now accessing members
foo->non_sense = -1;
foo->non_snese = 0;
foo->intelligence =1;
// now we can use another struct after that ..
foo2 = (struct blah*) (buffer + sizeof(struct blah));


Q.So 我怎样才能用 union 做同样的事情?


我也搜索过 enum 的别名,但不太了解,

Q.If 可以使用枚举我们将如何做到这一点?


是的,几乎所有指针(包括您的示例)都是不安全的(除非它被 char 访问)。


struct blah x;
char *y = (char *)&x;

for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(x); i++)
   printf("[%zu] = %hhd\n", i, y[i];

正确的方法是 memcpy 缓冲到结构中或将 char 数组作为联合成员之一。

struct a
    int a;
    short b;
    char x[2];
    double z[3];

union b
    unsigned char buffer[512];
    struct a sa[512/32];

double foo(char *x)
    struct a c;
    memcpy(&c, x, sizeof(c));
    return c.z[0];

double bar(void)
    union b c;

    read_from_uart(&c, 512);

    return c.sa[5].z[1];

Q.If possible with enum how will we do that? Enum is an integer. Same rules as for integers.