将 JavaScript 正则表达式函数转换为 php

Convert a JavaScript regexp function to a php

我有一个使用 js 替换的函数,但很难将其转换为 php

JS代码(两者作用相同见js fiddle链接)

function number_to_code(s) {

  // converting the value to something like 50000.00 to look like currency
  // next replace it with the codes as bellow.  
s = parseFloat(s).toFixed(2).replace(/\d/g, m => ({
    '0': 'I',
    '1': 'N',
    '2': 'E',
    '3': 'S',
    '4': 'T',
    '5': 'O',
    '6': 'M',
    '7': 'A',
    '8': 'L',
    '9': 'D'

  // grouping it with , 
  s = s
    .replace(/([A-Z])(+)/g, (_, g1, g2) => {
      return g1 + g2.replace(/./g, "Z")
    .replace(/\B(?=(\w{3})+(?!\w))/g, ",")

  return s;


我觉得phppreg_replace是要用的函数。 我无法理解

(_, g1, g2) => {
      return g1 + g2.replace(/./g, "Z")


您可以使用 php 函数做同样的事情 preg_replace_callback 唯一的区别是 preg_replace_callback 函数只有一个参数,它是一组匹配项。


$string = "1 1";
preg_replace_callback('/(\d) (\d)', function($matches) {
    // The first position of the $matches is the whole string
    // The second position is the first group and so on...
    // And then you can return whatever you want, using or not the groups from the matches
}, $string);

啊,在@WiktorStribiżew 的帮助下,我设法获得了最终输出。

对于正在寻找有关 php preg_replace() 的优秀教程的任何人

$string = "500000120034000567080900";  //test string

$a = array("0"=>"I", "1"=>"N", "2"=>"E","3"=>"S","4"=>"T","5"=>"O","6"=>"M","7"=>"O","8"=>"L","9"=>"D");
$pattern = '/(\d)/';
$pattern2 = '/II+/';

// the function call
$result = preg_replace_callback($pattern,
function($matches) {
  //  echo ($matches[1]." ");
    global $a;  
 return  $a[$matches[1]];

$result2 = preg_replace_callback($pattern2,  
// the callback function
function($matches) {
  return  substr_replace(str_replace("I","Z",$matches[0]),"I",0,1);
 //return  $a[$matches[0]];

echo "<br/>".$result;
echo "<br/>".$result2;

OIIIIINEIISTIIIOMOILIDII    <= intermediate step to help understand.
OIZZZZNEIZSTIZZOMOILIDIZ    <= this is the output I was looking for