iOS 骨骼加载动画

iOS skeleton loading animation

我正在为 iOS 应用程序添加框架加载。我有一个 UICollectionView,其中每个单元格在加载数据时都应显示“正在加载”状态。为了处理这种状态,将使用骨架加载技术。




这是我的代码。同样,问题是动画没有发生。应该有一个 CAGradientLayer 从左边开始,在视图之外,然后向右动画,直到它离开视图。然后一切重复。

@interface MyCollectionViewCell ()

 * If this is YES, then the skeleton loading layers and animation need to be shown.
 * If this is NO, then the normal view should be shown. No skeleton loading layers should be shown.
@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isLoading) BOOL loading;


@implementation MyCollectionViewCell

//... initialization and other logic

 * This finds the direct subviews of the contentView that are either labels or images.
- (NSArray<__kindof UIView *> *)loadableSubviews {
    NSMutableArray<UIView *> *views = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (UIView *view in self.contentView.subviews) {
        if ([view isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) {
            [views addObject:view];
        } else if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) {
            [views addObject:view];
    return views;

- (void)setLoading:(BOOL)loading {
    self->_loading = loading;
    NSArray<__kindof UIView *> *loadingViews = [self loadableSubviews];
    if (loading) {
        //display the skeleton loading layers

        UIColor *backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:(210.0/255.0) green:(210.0/255.0) blue:(210.0/255.0) alpha:1.0];
        UIColor *highlightColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:(235.0/255.0) green:(235.0/255.0) blue:(235.0/255.0) alpha:1.0];
        CALayer *skeletonLayer = [CALayer layer];
        skeletonLayer.backgroundColor = backgroundColor.CGColor; = @"skeletonLayer";
        skeletonLayer.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
        skeletonLayer.frame = UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds;
        for (UIView *loadingView in loadingViews) {
            CAGradientLayer *gradientLayer = [[CAGradientLayer alloc] init];
            gradientLayer.colors = @[backgroundColor, highlightColor, backgroundColor];
            gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.5);
            gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPointMake(1.0, 0.5);
            gradientLayer.frame = UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds;
   = @"skeletonGradient";
            loadingView.layer.mask = skeletonLayer;
            [loadingView.layer addSublayer:skeletonLayer];
            [loadingView.layer addSublayer:gradientLayer];
            loadingView.clipsToBounds = YES;
            CGFloat width = UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.width;
            CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.translation.x"];
            animation.duration = 3.0;

            //TODO: is there maybe something wrong with the y coordinate here?
            animation.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(-width, gradientLayer.frame.origin.y)];
            animation.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(width, gradientLayer.frame.origin.y)];
            animation.repeatCount = CGFLOAT_MAX;
            animation.autoreverses = NO;
            animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
            [gradientLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"gradientShimmer"];
    } else {
        //remove the skeleton loading layers

        for (UIView *loadingView in loadingViews) {
            for (NSInteger x = loadingView.layer.sublayers.count - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
                CALayer *sublayer = loadingView.layer.sublayers[x];
                if ([ isEqualToString:@"skeletonLayer"] || [ isEqualToString:@"skeletonGradient"]) {
                    [sublayer removeFromSuperlayer];



我在将动画添加到图层后添加了一个断点并检查了 LLDB 中的 gradientLayer,它显示动画已附加到图层:

(lldb) po gradientLayer
<CAGradientLayer:0x280964380; name = "skeletonGradient"; position = CGPoint (187.5 406); bounds = CGRect (0 0; 375 812); allowsGroupOpacity = YES; name = skeletonGradient; endPoint = CGPoint (1 0.5); startPoint = CGPoint (0 0.5); colors = (
    "UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace 0.823529 0.823529 0.823529 1",
    "UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace 0.921569 0.921569 0.921569 1",
    "UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace 0.823529 0.823529 0.823529 1"
); animations = [gradientShimmer=<CABasicAnimation: 0x2809645e0>]>

但由于某种原因,它似乎不是 运行。


  1. 有谁知道为什么动画不工作?
  2. 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?
  3. 特别是,有没有更好的方法来去除加载状态?有没有更好的方法来去除这些层?

您将一组 UIColor 对象设置为 colors 属性 的 gradientLayer。相反,您必须使用 CGColors,请在此处查看 Apple 的文档:

An array of CGColorRef objects defining the color of each gradient stop. Animatable.


gradientLayer.colors = @[(id)backgroundColor.CGColor, (id)highlightColor.CGColor, (id)backgroundColor.CGColor];

