`workbench.action.terminal.switchTerminal` 是做什么的?

What does `workbench.action.terminal.switchTerminal` do?


现在已从命令面板 removed

Thanks for the report and for digging into this stuff . This command isn't meant to be exposed in the command palette as its only purpose is to drive the terminal dropdown behind the scenes.

a bug caused by this 操作阻止用户粘贴到终端,因为粘贴的键绑定设置为此命令以及粘贴命令 - 所以我想知道作为修复的一部分粘贴问题,他们同时让这个命令不起作用。

另一个用户 couldn't tell what this action does either 而我自己不能。也许这就是它的默认设置未绑定的原因。