存储的函数未在 MySql 中返回结果?

Stored FUNCTION is not returning result in MySql?

我有一个简单的 MySql 查询成功 returns 单个值。

select tl.tour_log_id 
from tour_log tl
      AND tl.inquiry_id = 7519618
     and tl.truck_id = 450 and tl.tour_id = 6174
 limit 1; -- tour_log_id -> 736318. Even without limit 1, query gives always single value. This is how database is structured.

但是,我确实有一个 Mysql Stored Function,它应该做同样的事情,但我得到 null。我通过右键单击函数 -> 创建函数生成了这个函数。

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `getTourLogIdForSubtourStart`( 
     inquiryId int, truckId int, tourId int) RETURNS int
        DECLARE tourLogIdSubtourStart int; 
        DECLARE tourLogIdSubtourEnd int;  
        select tour_log.tour_log_id into tourLogIdSubtourStart
        from fleaty.tour_log tl
        WHERE tl.log = "SUBTOUR_START" 
              AND tl.inquiry_id = inquiryId
             and tl.truck_id = truckId and tl.tour_id = tourId
         limit 1;    -- 
        -- set tourLogIdSubtourEnd = callSomeOtherFunction(tourLogIdSubtourStart, inquiryId, truckId);
        -- here will be cursor to process some result set, based on tourLogIdSubtourStart and tourLogIdSubtourEnd
    RETURN  (tourLogIdSubtourStart);


set @s = getTourLogIdForSubtourStart(7519618, 450, 6174);

select @s;

这会打印 null。为什么?


CREATE tABLE tour_log (tour_log_id int, log varchar(19),inquiry_id BIGint,truck_id int, tour_id int)
INSERT INTO tour_log VALUEs (1,'SUBTOUR_START',7519618, 450, 6174)
  CREATE  FUNCTION `getTourLogIdForSubtourStart`( 
     _inquiryId int, _truckId int, _tourId int) RETURNS int
        DECLARE tourLogIdSubtourStart int; 
        DECLARE tourLogIdSubtourEnd int;  
        select tour_log_id into tourLogIdSubtourStart
        from tour_log tl
        WHERE tl.log = "SUBTOUR_START" 
              AND tl.inquiry_id = _inquiryId
             and tl.truck_id = _truckId and tl.tour_id = _tourId
         limit 1;    -- 
        -- set tourLogIdSubtourEnd = callSomeOtherFunction(tourLogIdSubtourStart, inquiryId, truckId);
        -- here will be cursor to process some result set, based on tourLogIdSubtourStart and tourLogIdSubtourEnd
    RETURN  (tourLogIdSubtourStart);
set @s = getTourLogIdForSubtourStart(7519618, 450, 6174);

select @s;

| @s |
| -: |
|  1 |
SELECT * FROM tour_log
tour_log_id | log           | inquiry_id | truck_id | tour_id
----------: | :------------ | ---------: | -------: | ------:
          1 | SUBTOUR_START |    7519618 |      450 |    6174

db<>fiddle here