
Is it possible to send mobile notifications at the moment when plugging in the charger?

我试图在每次将手机连接到充电器时发送通知。所以我的问题是,这在 Unity 中是否可行,如果可行,我该如何实现?

我不确定是否存在指定用户何时停止和开始充电的内部事件 phone,但是有一个字段您可以随时访问以检查它 SystemInfo.batteryStatus. If you store the previous state and whenever this state is altered, you can fire a notification immediately instead of waiting to store it using Unity's Notification System Package.根据您是否使用 iOS / Android,发送通知会略有不同。

private BatteryStatus isBatteryCharging = BatteryStatus.Unknown;

private void Update()
    if(SystemInfo.batteryStatus != isBatteryCharging)
        // update our current state
        isBatteryCharging = SystemInfo.batteryStatus;
        // now handle if we are charging
        if(isBatteryCharging == BatteryStatus.Charging)

private void SendNotification()
    // notification code here you can find on the Unity Notification Package Docs   

我不会包含通知代码,因为您没有指定您是想要 OS 特定的解决方案还是跨 OS 特定的解决方案。如果您需要,所有内容都应该在我从 Unity 教程发布的 link 上。