如何使用 find/create 适当的代码将遥测数据发送到 IoT Central?

How to i find/create appropriate code to send telemetry to IoT central?

我最近被分配了一个 Case study 我已经发布了。 我创建了 10 个 data centers as device on Azure IoT central and configured it according to the assigned objective(creating all the necessary sensors and devices to take input in the datacenter)data center monitoring 我仍处于学习阶段,如何在 visual studio 代码中编写此案例研究的代码,以便它将遥测数据发送到 azure IoT Central。

此处的教程向您展示了如何将遥测数据发送到 IoT Central - 您可以选择编程语言 select 来自:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/tutorial-connect-device

您还可以将 IoT Edge 设备连接到 IoT Central - 要开始使用,请查看 https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/modules/connect-iot-edge-device-to-iot-central/ - if you want more detail on IoT Edge and how to create custom modules with your own code, take a look at the IoT Edge documentation. For example: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/tutorial-csharp-module