在 GO 中使用 AWS SDK V2 上传图片失败
Image upload failed using AWS SDK V2 in GO
我正在使用 AWS S3 服务上传图片。昨天更新了SDK v1到v2,发现图片上传失败,报如下错误:
operation error S3: PutObject, https response error StatusCode: 403, RequestID: XXXXXXXXXXX, HostID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, api error SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
我在 .aws 文件夹中 linux 的主文件夹中有 aws 凭据,格式如下:
aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
package main
import (
awsconfig "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config"
func main() {
fileName := "test123.jpg"
filePath := "/BUCKET_NAME/uploads/aman/2021/6/25/"
res, err := http.Get("https://images.app.goo.gl/mpQ5nXYXjdUMKGgW7")
if err != nil || res.StatusCode != 200 {
// handle errors
defer res.Body.Close()
UploadFileInS3Bucket(res.Body, fileName, filePath)
func UploadFileInS3Bucket(file io.Reader, fileName, filePath string) {
cfg, err := awsconfig.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(),
client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)
uploader := manager.NewUploader(client)
uploadResp, err := uploader.Upload(context.TODO(), &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(filePath),
Key: aws.String(fileName),
Body: file,
ContentType: aws.String("image"),
我没有更改 code.However 中的任何 credentials/buckets/regions 如果我 运行 使用 SDK v1 的代码然后它工作正常并且图像正在上传。
SDK v2 出了什么问题?
经过几天的时间,我了解到 SDK V2 对 Bucket & Key 字段采用以下格式:
fileName := "uploads/2021/6/25/test123.jpg"
filePath := "BUCKET_NAME"
基本上,对于这些字段,在 SDK V1 和 V2 中存在反之亦然的行为。以上是V2。下面是 V1:
fileName := "test123.jpg"
filePath := "/BUCKET_NAME/uploads/2021/6/25/"
我正在使用 AWS S3 服务上传图片。昨天更新了SDK v1到v2,发现图片上传失败,报如下错误:
operation error S3: PutObject, https response error StatusCode: 403, RequestID: XXXXXXXXXXX, HostID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, api error SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
已更新: 我在 .aws 文件夹中 linux 的主文件夹中有 aws 凭据,格式如下:
aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
package main
import (
awsconfig "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config"
func main() {
fileName := "test123.jpg"
filePath := "/BUCKET_NAME/uploads/aman/2021/6/25/"
res, err := http.Get("https://images.app.goo.gl/mpQ5nXYXjdUMKGgW7")
if err != nil || res.StatusCode != 200 {
// handle errors
defer res.Body.Close()
UploadFileInS3Bucket(res.Body, fileName, filePath)
func UploadFileInS3Bucket(file io.Reader, fileName, filePath string) {
cfg, err := awsconfig.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(),
client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)
uploader := manager.NewUploader(client)
uploadResp, err := uploader.Upload(context.TODO(), &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(filePath),
Key: aws.String(fileName),
Body: file,
ContentType: aws.String("image"),
我没有更改 code.However 中的任何 credentials/buckets/regions 如果我 运行 使用 SDK v1 的代码然后它工作正常并且图像正在上传。
SDK v2 出了什么问题?
经过几天的时间,我了解到 SDK V2 对 Bucket & Key 字段采用以下格式:
fileName := "uploads/2021/6/25/test123.jpg"
filePath := "BUCKET_NAME"
基本上,对于这些字段,在 SDK V1 和 V2 中存在反之亦然的行为。以上是V2。下面是 V1:
fileName := "test123.jpg"
filePath := "/BUCKET_NAME/uploads/2021/6/25/"