Python 扑克牌单对计数器

Python Poker hand single pair counter


一对是指两张相同等级(数字)的牌和其他 3 张不同等级的牌,例如(1,2,1,3,4)

- 1 = ACE
- 2 = 两个
- 3 = 三
- 11 = 杰克
- 12 = 女王...

该程序似乎可以工作,但是, 它找到的单对牌数量 = 1101984

但根据多个来源,正确答案是 1098240。


from itertools import combinations
# Generating the deck
deck = []
for i in range(52):
    deck.append(i%13 + 1)

def pairCount(hand):
    paircount = 0
    for i in hand:
        count = 0
        for x in hand:
            if x == i:
                count += 1
        if count == 2:
            paircount += .5 #Adding 0.5 because each pair is counted twice

    return paircount

count = 0
for i in combinations(deck, 5): # loop through all combinations of 5
    if pairCount(i) == 1:
        count += 1


问题是您的手牌也可以包含以下类型的牌 -

A Three of a kind and a single pair



deck = []
for i in range(52):
    deck.append((i//13 + 1, i%13 + 1))

def pairCount(hand):
    paircount = 0
    threecount = 0
    for i in hand:
        count = 0
        for x in hand:
            if x[1] == i[1]:
                count += 1
        if count == 2:
            paircount += .5 #Adding 0.5 because each pair is counted twice
        if count == 3:
            threecount += 0.33333333
    return (round(paircount, 0) , round(threecount, 0))

count = 0
for i in combinations(deck, 5):
    if pairCount(i) == (1.0, 1.0):
        count += 1

这算的数字为 - 3744

现在,如果我们从你得到的数字中减去这个数字 - 1101984 - 我们得到你期望的数字 - 1098240 .