
Export a set up virtual machine from cloud infrastructure to use it locally

我需要使用基于 Tensor Flow 的神经元网络架构 (PointNet https://github.com/charlesq34/pointnet) 执行一些机器学习任务。我想使用云基础架构来执行此操作,因为我没有所需的物理资源。客户的要求是,他们希望获得我之后用于培训的整套设置机器,而不仅仅是最终模型。这是因为他们是研究人员,想自己使用机器,玩弄并理解我所做的,但他们不想自己做 setup/installation 工作。不幸的是,他们现在不能自己提供(物理或虚拟)机器。

问题是:是否 possible/reasonable 在 google 云或 AWS 等云基础设施提供商上设置一台机器,安装所需的软件(使用 Nvidia Cuda)并导出这台机器一段时间后,当合适的硬件可用时,将其导入虚拟化工具(如 Virtual Box)并继续在自己的系统上使用?安装的 GPU/Cuda-related TensorFlow 等软件还能用吗?


对于Google云平台, the introduction to Deep Learning Containers,您是否允许创建可移植环境。

Deep Learning Containers are a set of Docker containers with key data science frameworks, libraries, and tools pre-installed. These containers provide you with performance-optimized, consistent environments that can help you prototype and implement workflows quickly. Learn more.

此外,请检查Running Instances with GPU accelerators

Google provides a seamless experience for users to run their GPU workloads within Docker containers on Container-Optimized OS VM instances so that users can benefit from other Container-Optimized OS features such as security and reliability as well.

要使用 Virtualbox 配置 Docker,请选中此 external blog