Multiprocessing Pool() 方法对性能没有影响

Multiprocessing Pool() method has no effect on performance

我在 Linux/Debian 测试中使用 Python 3.9.2,在多处理器机器上。我正在尝试了解多处理的工作原理。



from timeit import default_timer as timer

def sqr(n):

    a = n ** n

    return a

def sqr_2(m):

    b = m ** m

    return b

def main():

    start = timer()
    print(f'sqr = {sqr(100000)}\nsqr_2= {sqr_2(200000)}')
    end = timer()

    print(f'time frame in which the operation is resolved: {end - start} seconds')

if __name__ == '__main__':


from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from timeit import default_timer as timer

def sqr_1(n):

    return n ** n

def sqr_2(m):

    return m ** m

def main():

    cpu_cnt = cpu_count()
    pool = Pool(processes = cpu_cnt)     #In this case there are 12 processors

    start = timer()
    val_1 = (100000,)
    val_2 = (200000,)
    process_1 = pool.map_async(sqr_1, val_1)
    process_2 = pool.map_async(sqr_2, val_2)
    print(f'Results: {process_1.get(), process_2.get()}')

    end = timer()

    print(f'time frame in which the operation is resolved: {end - start} seconds')

if __name__ == '__main__':

问题在于,第二个脚本的进程在没有任何错误的情况下完成,在相同的时间内(大约 14 秒)执行与第一个脚本相同的任务。因此,第二个脚本中的多处理不起作用。我提前感谢任何想指出错误的人!

考虑以下脚本。它允许您在运行时选择调用该函数的次数,以及是串行调用还是并行调用。它也只是计算值;它不会尝试将字符串表示形式写入标准输出(因为将 n**n 的结果转换为字符串对于大型 n 比实际计算它要耗时得多)。

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import sys

def f(n):
    return n ** n

def main():
    cpu_cnt = cpu_count()
    n = int(sys.argv[2])
    start = timer()
    if sys.argv[1] == "s":
        s = [f(100000) for _ in range(n)]
        pool = Pool(processes = cpu_cnt)
        s = [pool.map_async(f, (100000,)) for _ in range(n)]
        results = [x.get() for x in s]
    end = timer()
    print(f'time frame in which the operation is resolved: {end - start} seconds')

if __name__ == '__main__':

以下是我的 4 核机器上 2、6、12、24、48、96 和 192 次函数调用的结果:

% for n in 2 6 12 24 48 96 192; do print $n; for x in s p; do python3 $x $n; done; done
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.146144435 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.178840965 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.423103791 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.24940852500000002 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.848754817 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.340022419 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 1.691312521 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 0.571664972 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 3.415401498 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 1.029526396 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 6.76773454 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 2.016387216 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 13.529949021999998 seconds
time frame in which the operation is resolved: 3.770171452 seconds

只有 2 个并行进程,由于并行化本身的开销,没有加速。 (实际上,速度会变慢。)一旦启动了 运行 个进程,加速就会增加,但对于 n 个内核,你永远不会看到 [=13] 的加速=].