(国际象棋)negamax 搜索缺少将死的问题
(Chess) Problem with negamax search missing checkmate
我正在使用 Negamax 和 alpha-beta 修剪 在搜索函数中实施搜索算法。然而,它经常会错过被逼的将死。
(注意:“X 交配”计算整圈,而“深度”和“移动”依赖于半移动。)
具有以下 FEN 的位置:1k1r4/pp1b1R2/3q2pp/4p3/2B5/4Q3/PPP2B2/2K5 b - - 0 1
有一个 Mate in 3(算法深度为 5)。
它是 Qd1+、Kxd1、Bg4+、Kc1/Ke1(无关紧要)、Rd1#。
它可以从 1 步远的距离发现将死,但在更高的深度失败。
这可能是打字错误、误用 type
我已经使代码的某些部分更易于阅读。 (例如,删除 std::
pieceMove searchBestMove (gameState currentState, int depth) {
//Calls the Negamax search
pieceColor sideToMove = whoseTurnIsIt();
vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateLegalMoves(currentState, sideToMove);
pieceMove bestMove;
signed int bestEval = numeric_limits<signed int>::max();
for (const auto move : moveList) {
signed int evaluation = negaMax(applyMove(currentState, move), numeric_limits<signed int>::min(), numeric_limits<signed int>::max(), depth - 1, 1);
if (evaluation < bestEval) {
bestMove = move;
bestEval = evaluation;
return bestMove;
signed int negaMax (gameState currentState, signed int alpha, signed int beta, int depth, int rootDepth) {
//Main Negamax search
//Terminal node
if (depth == 0) {
return evaluates(currentState); //Replace this line with the one below to enable the extended search
//return quiescenceSearch(currentState, alpha, beta);
//Mate distance pruning
signed int mateDistScore = numeric_limits<signed int>::max() - rootDepth;
alpha = max(alpha, -mateDistScore);
beta = min(beta, mateDistScore - 1);
if (alpha >= beta) return alpha;
vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateLegalMoves(currentState);
//If no moves are allowed, then it's either checkmate or stalemate
if (moveList.size() == 0) return evaluates(currentState)
orderMoves(currentState, moveList);
for (const auto move : moveList) {
signed int score = -negaMax(applyMove(currentState, move), -beta, -alpha, depth - 1, rootDepth + 1);
if (score >= beta) return beta; //Bata cutoff
alpha = max(score, alpha);
return alpha;
signed int quiescenceSearch (gameState currentState, signed int alpha, signed int beta) {
//Searches only captures
//Terminal node
int evaluation = evaluates(currentState);
if (evaluation >= beta) return beta;
alpha = max(alpha, evaluation);
vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateCaptureMoves(currentState);
//If no moves are allowed, then it's either checkmate or stalemate
if (moveList.size() == 0) return evaluates(currentState);
orderMoves(currentState, moveList);
for (const auto move : moveList) {
signed int score = -quiescenceSearch(applyMove(currentState, move), -beta, -alpha);
if (score >= beta) return beta; //Bata cutoff
alpha = max(score, alpha);
return alpha;
我认为你需要在“negaMax”中当深度为0时调用函数“quiescenceSearch”。您还需要在“quiescenceSearch”中检查“检查”以及捕获,因为它们不是安静的移动。此外,Matedistance 修剪仅在位置被正确评分时才起作用(https://www.chessprogramming.org/Mate_Distance_Pruning#Mating_Value)。可能正在检查您的评估函数是否正确评估也可能有所帮助。
我正在使用 Negamax 和 alpha-beta 修剪 在搜索函数中实施搜索算法。然而,它经常会错过被逼的将死。
(注意:“X 交配”计算整圈,而“深度”和“移动”依赖于半移动。)
具有以下 FEN 的位置:1k1r4/pp1b1R2/3q2pp/4p3/2B5/4Q3/PPP2B2/2K5 b - - 0 1
有一个 Mate in 3(算法深度为 5)。
它是 Qd1+、Kxd1、Bg4+、Kc1/Ke1(无关紧要)、Rd1#。
它可以从 1 步远的距离发现将死,但在更高的深度失败。
这可能是打字错误、误用 type
我已经使代码的某些部分更易于阅读。 (例如,删除 std::
pieceMove searchBestMove (gameState currentState, int depth) {
//Calls the Negamax search
pieceColor sideToMove = whoseTurnIsIt();
vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateLegalMoves(currentState, sideToMove);
pieceMove bestMove;
signed int bestEval = numeric_limits<signed int>::max();
for (const auto move : moveList) {
signed int evaluation = negaMax(applyMove(currentState, move), numeric_limits<signed int>::min(), numeric_limits<signed int>::max(), depth - 1, 1);
if (evaluation < bestEval) {
bestMove = move;
bestEval = evaluation;
return bestMove;
signed int negaMax (gameState currentState, signed int alpha, signed int beta, int depth, int rootDepth) {
//Main Negamax search
//Terminal node
if (depth == 0) {
return evaluates(currentState); //Replace this line with the one below to enable the extended search
//return quiescenceSearch(currentState, alpha, beta);
//Mate distance pruning
signed int mateDistScore = numeric_limits<signed int>::max() - rootDepth;
alpha = max(alpha, -mateDistScore);
beta = min(beta, mateDistScore - 1);
if (alpha >= beta) return alpha;
vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateLegalMoves(currentState);
//If no moves are allowed, then it's either checkmate or stalemate
if (moveList.size() == 0) return evaluates(currentState)
orderMoves(currentState, moveList);
for (const auto move : moveList) {
signed int score = -negaMax(applyMove(currentState, move), -beta, -alpha, depth - 1, rootDepth + 1);
if (score >= beta) return beta; //Bata cutoff
alpha = max(score, alpha);
return alpha;
signed int quiescenceSearch (gameState currentState, signed int alpha, signed int beta) {
//Searches only captures
//Terminal node
int evaluation = evaluates(currentState);
if (evaluation >= beta) return beta;
alpha = max(alpha, evaluation);
vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateCaptureMoves(currentState);
//If no moves are allowed, then it's either checkmate or stalemate
if (moveList.size() == 0) return evaluates(currentState);
orderMoves(currentState, moveList);
for (const auto move : moveList) {
signed int score = -quiescenceSearch(applyMove(currentState, move), -beta, -alpha);
if (score >= beta) return beta; //Bata cutoff
alpha = max(score, alpha);
return alpha;
我认为你需要在“negaMax”中当深度为0时调用函数“quiescenceSearch”。您还需要在“quiescenceSearch”中检查“检查”以及捕获,因为它们不是安静的移动。此外,Matedistance 修剪仅在位置被正确评分时才起作用(https://www.chessprogramming.org/Mate_Distance_Pruning#Mating_Value)。可能正在检查您的评估函数是否正确评估也可能有所帮助。