
Want to create a new list by grouping the other list of objects by attribute

想要通过按属性对其他对象列表进行分组来创建一个列表 代码是这样的:

public class MyDate {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Data> list = new ArrayList<>();
        list.add(new Data("NEW",todayDate,todayDatePlus1,"N"));
        list.add(new Data("AUTORIZED",todayDate,todayDatePlus1,"Y"));
        list.add(new Data("AUTORIZED",todayDatePlus1,todayDatePlus3,"Y"));
        list.add(new Data("AUTHENTICATE",todayDate,todayDatePlus1,"Y"));
        list.add(new Data("AUTHENTICATE",todayDatePlus1,todayDatePlus2,"Y"));
        list.add(new Data("COMPLETED",todayDate,todayDatePlus1,"N"));


class Data{
    String phase;
    LocalDate startDate;
    LocalDate endDate;
    String required;
    Data(String phase,  LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate, String required) {
        this.phase = phase;
        this.startDate = startDate;
        this.endDate = endDate;
        this.required = required;


In New List 


在新列表中,重复的属性phase 合并为1,并且StartDate 和EndDate 也被更新。 (StartDate 最早一个,EndDate 是最后一个)

您可以使用 Collectors.toMap 和 mergefunction,合并具有相同 phase

Data 对象的值
 Collection<Data> result = list.stream()
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Data::getPhase, Function.identity(), ((existing, replacement) -> {

                // Merge values of replacement with existing
                return existing;