如何在 python 中嵌套 for 循环的情况下使用 threadPoolExecutor 的 map()

How to use map() of threadPoolExecutor in case of nested for loop in python

我有 2 部词典,

data1 = {
  "key": [
      "id": "key1",
      "name": "key1"
      "id": "key2",
      "name": "key2"
      "id": "key3",
      "name": "key3"

data2 = {
  "key": [
      "id": "key2"
      "name": "TEST key2"
      "id": "key1",
      "name": "TEST key1"


common_keys = [
    (each_data1_key, each_data2_key)
    for each_data1_key in data1.get("key", [])
    for each_data2_key in data2.get("key", [])
    if each_data1_key.get("id") == each_data2_key.get("id")

# Example result = [({"id":"key1", "name": "key1"}, {"id": "key1", "name": "TEST key1"}), ...]

现在我想使用这些元组在threadPoolExecutor 的map 函数中进一步处理。目前,我正在使用下面的代码,

def func(object1, object2):
   func is being run in the thread to do some task parallelly with object1 and object2

def myfunc(common_keys):
    if common_keys:
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
            executor.map(lambda x: func(*x), common_keys)

# func is a function that accepts 2 objects as parameters
# since we are sending tuple of the object in threads, in order to process some task

我的任务是通过减少循环来优化代码(我使用嵌套 for 循环来查找 common_keys 列表`

任何人都可以帮助我找到任何解决方案,其中为了获得具有相同 id 的对象的元组列表,我不需要使用嵌套循环(或者,使用另一种优化方式) ?

在 的基础上,如果您有一些空闲内存,可以制作您的 ids 字典键,以便稍后从快速的类似集合的操作中受益。

# Loop once for each list
dict1 = {item["id"]: item for item in data1.get("key", [])}
dict2 = {item["id"]: item for item in data2.get("key", [])}

# Set intersection is fast
common_keys = [(dict1[key], dict2[key])
               for key
               in dict1.keys() & dict2.keys()]

此外,如果您将字典传递给 myfunc,而不是 common_keys,您可以使用生成器来避免创建该列表。

def func(object1, object2):
    print(f"Got 1: {object1}, and 2: {object2}")

def generate_pairs(d1, d2):
    for key in d1.keys() & d2.keys():
        yield d1[key], d2[key]

def myfunc(d1, d2):
    if common_keys:
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
            executor.map(lambda x: func(*x), generate_pairs(d1, d2))

myfunc(dict1, dict2)
>>> Got object1: {'id': 'key2', 'name': 'key2'}, object2: {'id': 'key2', 'name': 'TEST key2'}
>>> Got object1: {'id': 'key1', 'name': 'key1'}, object2: {'id': 'key1', 'name': 'TEST key1'}

最后,为了保持速度和备用内存,您可以只创建两个字典中最小的一个,将 "key" 列表传递给生成器:

def generate_pairs(l1, l2):
    little, big = (l1, l2) if (len(l1) < len(l2)) else (l2, l1)
    d1 = {item["id"]: item for item in little}

    # loop once over the second list
    for key_data_2 in big:
        key_data_1 = d1.get(key_data_2["id"], None)  # Average case fast too
        if key_data_1 is not None:
            yield key_data_1, key_data_2

# with the same `myfunc` except for parameters types
def myfunc(l1, l2):
    if common_keys:
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
            executor.map(lambda x: func(*x), generate_pairs(l1, l2))

# and you'd call 
myfunc(data1.get("key", []), data2.get("key", []))