如何让 Cypress 在页面上执行 API 脚本?

How to make Cypress execute an API script on a page?

我目前正在尝试将 Protractor 代码转换为 Cypress 代码。我的一些 Protractor 代码涉及让网页执行 API 脚本,例如:

import { browser } from “protractor”; // this is the import I used

browser.executeScript(‘arguments[0].click()’;, this.closeButton); // this is for button clicking

browser.executeScript(‘localStorage.setItem(“example-boolean”, “false”)’); // this is for setting a value to false

这些代码行是否有 Cypress 等效项?


import "cypress-localstorage-commands";

cy.get('#yourCloseBtnId').click();  // Clicking on the element with an ID #yourCloseBtnId

cy.setLocalStorage("example-boolean", false);  // Setting an item in the local storage