如何让 Playwright 在我的配置文件中使用 headless 的值?

How to get Playwright to use the value for headless in my config file?

我是 Playwright 的新手,出于某种原因我无法让它获取我的配置文件。


我猜所有这些问题都与我的配置文件没有被正确获取这一事实有关(因为浏览器是 运行 无头的,即使无头设置为 false。)

我在 Ubuntu 20.04 通过 WSL2。剧作家 1.12.2

用于 运行 测试的命令:

npx playwright test test.ts

这向我展示了 运行 正确的配置文件:

Using config at /myapp/tests/playwright/playwright.config.ts


npx playwright test test.ts --config=playwright.config.ts

虽然在这两种情况下,浏览器都是 运行 无头的,即使无头在配置文件中为 false。


import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  use: {
    headless: false,

    // Artifacts
    screenshot: 'on',
    video: 'on',
export default config;


// @ts-check
import {
  chromium, devices, expect, test,
} from '@playwright/test';

const iPhone11 = devices['iPhone 11 Pro'];

const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8100/';

test('Check the onboarding flow', async () => {
  const browserChromium = await chromium.launch();

  // Decide which browser to use.
  const browser = browserChromium;
  const context = await browser.newContext({
    locale: 'ja-JP',
    recordVideo: {
      dir: 'recordings/',
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  // Set default navigation timeout.
  // Go to baseUrl
  await page.goto(baseUrl);
  // Go to baseUrl/webapp/
  await page.goto(`${baseUrl}webapp/`);
  await page.screenshot({ path: 'test-screenshot.png' });
  await context.close();
  await browser.close();

使用时new Playwright test-runner, the browser, context, and page instances are already created for you. There is a context for each test to ensure that the tests are working isolated, see here供参考。 context/launch 选项然后在 playwright.config.ts.



// @ts-check
import {
  expect, test,
} from '@playwright/test';

const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8100/';

test('Check the onboarding flow', async ({ page }) => {
  // Go to baseUrl
  await page.goto(baseUrl);
  // Go to baseUrl/webapp/
  await page.goto(`${baseUrl}webapp/`);
  await page.screenshot({ path: 'test-screenshot.png' });

启动和上下文选项,您可以在 playwright.config.ts 中设置如下:

import { PlaywrightTestConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test';

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  use: {
    ...devices['iPhone 11 Pro'],
    headless: false,

    // Artifacts
    screenshot: 'on',
    video: 'on',
    contextOptions: {
      locale: 'ja-JP',
export default config;

有关配置的详细信息,请参阅 here