Python 脚本无误终止

Python script killed without error

我正在运行一个脚本,该脚本下载其中带有 html 标签的 xls 文件并将它们剥离以创建一个干净的 csv 文件。


#!/usr/bin/env python

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib2 import urlopen
import csv
import sys
#from pympler.asizeof import asizeof
from pympler import muppy
from pympler import summary

f = urlopen('http://localhost/Classes/sample.xls') #This is 75KB
#f = urlopen('') #This is 75MB
soup = BeautifulSoup(f)
stable = soup.find('table')
print 'table found'
rows = []
for row in stable.find_all('tr'):
    rows.append([val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('th')])
    rows.append([val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('td')])

#print sys.getsizeof(rows)
#print asizeof(rows)

print 'row list created'
print 'soup decomposed'
print 'file closed'

with open('output_file.csv', 'wb') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)
    print 'writer started'
    writer.writerows(row for row in rows if row)

all_objects = muppy.get_objects()
sum1 = summary.summarize(all_objects)

以上代码对于 75KB 的文件完美运行,但是对于 75MB 的文件,进程被终止而没有任何错误。

我对beautiful soup和python很陌生,请帮我找出问题所在。该脚本在 3GB RAM 上运行。


table found
row list created
soup decomposed
file closed
writer started
                                types |   # objects |   total size
===================================== | =========== | ============
                                 dict |        5615 |      4.56 MB
                                  str |        8457 |    713.23 KB
                                 list |        3525 |    375.51 KB
  <class 'bs4.element.NavigableString |        1810 |    335.76 KB
                                 code |        1874 |    234.25 KB
              <class 'bs4.element.Tag |        3097 |    193.56 KB
                              unicode |        3102 |    182.65 KB
                                 type |         137 |    120.95 KB
                   wrapper_descriptor |        1060 |     82.81 KB
           builtin_function_or_method |         718 |     50.48 KB
                    method_descriptor |         580 |     40.78 KB
                              weakref |         416 |     35.75 KB
                                  set |         137 |     35.04 KB
                                tuple |         431 |     31.56 KB
                  <class 'abc.ABCMeta |          20 |     17.66 KB

我不明白什么是 "dict",75KB 的文件需要更多的内存。


如果没有实际的文件可以使用很难说,但是您可以做的是避免创建中间的行列表并直接写入打开的 csv 文件。

此外,您可以让 BeautifulSoup 在后台使用 lxml.html(应该安装 lxml)。


#!/usr/bin/env python

from urllib2 import urlopen
import csv

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup    

f = urlopen('http://localhost/Classes/sample.xls')
soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'lxml')

with open('output_file.csv', 'wb') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)

    for row in'table tr'):
        writer.writerows(val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('th') if val)
        writer.writerows(val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('td') if val)
