
C# Identify the different character in comparison of 2 strings

var str1 = "ASD_ZIHJK2A"; \\ 输出:对 1 个不同的字符:Z

var str2 = "ASD_YIHJK2A"; \\ 输出:对 1 个不同的字符:Y

var str3 = "AWD_PIHJK2A"; \\ 输出:对 2 个不同的字符:P

var str4 = "AWD_IHJK2AQ"; \\ 输出:对 2 个不同的字符:Q

var str5 = "ASD_RTHJK2A"; \\ 输出:对 3 个不同的字符:J

var str6 = "ASD_RTHIK2A"; \输出:对 3 差:I

使用 C# 查找对和对中每个字符串的状态差异的最简单方法是什么?




接近 Linq.Except 其中

produces the set difference of two sequences. The set difference of two sets is defined as the members of the first set that don't appear in the second set.

This method returns those elements in first that don't appear in second. It doesn't return those elements in second that don't appear in first. Only unique elements are returned.

var strOne = "ASD_ZIHJK";
var strTwo = "ASD_YIHJK";
var difference_strOne = strOne.Except(strTwo); // Z 
var difference_strTwo = strTwo.Except(strOne); // Y 


public static char? FindFirstDifference(string first, string second)
    int length = Math.Min(first.Length, second.Length);
    for (int = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (first[i] != second[i])
              return first[i];
    return null;