iCE40 Ultra Plus 5k — 如何设置 PLL(无需专有 GUI 工具)(续)

iCE40 Ultra Plus 5k — how to set PLL (without propietary GUI tools) (continued)

在此中,建议我使用现有的库来测试 iCE40 Ultra Plus 5k 的 PLL。

我买了 Icebreaker V1.0e 开发板,它看起来像这样:

外部 12 MHz 振荡器连接到 Lattice iCE40UP5k 的引脚 35 (标记为绿色) (封装 SG48).

Pin 35 has function: IOT_46b_G0, type: DPIO/GBIN0 and is located in bank: 0).

当我搜索上面发布的库时,我在第 98 页找到了一个不错的原语 SB_PLL40_PAD。这个原语的描述与 Icebreaker V1.0e原理图。这是描述:

请注意与上面的引脚描述相符!现在,我想在我的 VHDL 中使用它,所以一开始我只为这个原语编写了一个 VHDL 包装器:

-- A:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

-- B:
entity pll_icebreaker is port(
    C1_1: in std_ulogic;
    C1_2: out std_ulogic;
    C1_3: out std_ulogic;
    C1_4: out std_ulogic;
    C1_5: in std_ulogic;
    C1_6: in std_ulogic_vector (6 downto 0);
    C1_7: in std_ulogic;
    C1_8: in std_ulogic;
    C1_9: in std_ulogic
end pll_icebreaker;

-- C:
architecture logic_001 of pll_icebreaker is

    -- D:
    component SB_PLL_40_PAD is port (
        PACKAGEPIN: in std_ulogic;
        PLLOUTGLOBAL: out std_ulogic;
        PLLOUTCORE: out std_ulogic;
        LOCK: out std_ulogic;
        EXTFEEDBACK: in std_ulogic;
        DYNAMICDELAY: in std_ulogic_vector (6 downto 0);
        RESETB: in std_ulogic;
        BYPASS: in std_ulogic;
        LATCHINPUTVALUE: in std_ulogic
    end component;


    -- E:
    C1: SB_PLL_40_PAD port map(
        PACKAGEPIN => C1_1,
        PLLOUTGLOBAL => C1_2,
        PLLOUTCORE => C1_3,
        LOCK => C1_4,
        EXTFEEDBACK => C1_5,
        DYNAMICDELAY => C1_6,
        RESETB => C1_7,
        BYPASS => C1_8,

end architecture logic_001;

现在我尝试使用此 makefile 目标编译此 VHDL 设计 all (仅使用 FOSS 工具):

# A:
file_main = pll_icebreaker
file_pcf = icebreaker

module_top = pll_icebreaker
entity_top = $(module_top)


# B:
    yosys \
        -m ghdl \
        -p "ghdl $(file_main).vhdl -e $(entity_top); write_verilog $(file_main).v"
    yosys \
        -p "synth_ice40 -top $(module_top) -blif $(file_main).blif" \
    arachne-pnr \
        -d 5k \
        -P sg48 \
        -o $(file_main).asc \
        -p $(file_pcf).pcf $(file_main).blif
    icepack $(file_main).asc $(file_main).bin

我的工具链抱怨找不到模块 SB_PLL_40_PAD:

2.2.1. Analyzing design hierarchy..
Top module:  \pll_icebreaker
ERROR: Module `\SB_PLL_40_PAD' referenced in module `\pll_icebreaker' in cell `\c1' is not part of the design.
make: *** [makefile:81: all] Error 1

怎么会? Lattice 技术库不是在 Yosys 工具中实现的吗?我有点困惑...我该如何解决这个问题?

看来我看不懂了。 Lattice 技术库提到 SB_PLL40_PAD:


所以我从这里开始,以创建一个很好的 PLL 示例,该示例使用 FPGA 中预先存在的硬件!