在 Azure Data Studio 和 SSMS 或 SSRS 中执行 SQL 查询时的不同行为

Different behavior when executing an SQL query in Azure Data Studio and SSMS or SSRS

我有一个查询,其行为因执行它的客户端而异。 我使用 Azure Data Studio 获得了即时结果(163 行)。 SQL Management Studio、Report Builder、SSRS Web Portal 超过 7 分钟。

更好的是,如果我从 select 中删除两列或添加 2 个空列,我在 SSMS 中实现了相同的性能。



我认为这与客户选择的原因有关,唯一不同的是 ARITHMETIC_ABORT_ENABLED 是假的。在 SSMS 中设置为 true 后仍然没有效果。

我使用 SQL Server 2019。


DECLARE @ProductionCenterSwipCode as VARCHAR(30) = 'AIX'
DECLARE @ResourceName as VARCHAR(30) = NULL
DECLARE @ActivityCode as VARCHAR(30) = '{ALL}'
DECLARE @SubactivityCode as VARCHAR(30) = '{ALL}'
DECLARE @WorkNatureCode as VARCHAR(30) = '{ALL}'
DECLARE @ClientId as INT = -9999
DECLARE @ContractId as INT = -9999
DECLARE @StartDate as DATE= CAST( '2021-04-01' AS DATE)
DECLARE @EndDate as DATE = CAST( '2021-05-30' AS DATE)

SELECT concat(cct.cct_activity_domain_code, ' - ', cct.cct_activity_domain_label) domain_of_activity,
       concat(hrh.hrh_production_center_swip_code, ' - ', hrh.hrh_production_center_name) resource_production_center,
       hrh.hrh_full_name resource,
       dat.dat_date Date_logged,
       tim.tim_number_hours_logged time_logged,
       concat(rng.rng_type_of_work_code, ' - ', rng.rng_type_of_work_label) type_of_work,
       tsk.tsk_code task,
       concat(sta.wat_activity_code , ' - ', sta.wat_activity_label) activity,
       cct.cct_client_reference client_contract,
       cli.cli_name client_name,
       wko.wko_swip_id wo_id,
       wko.wko_client_reference wo_client_reference,
       concat(sta.wat_workorder_type_code, ' - ', sta.wat_workorder_type_label) wo_type,
       wko.wko_current_status_label wo_status,
       rng.rng_label range_element,
       rnh.rnh_current_status_label range_element_status,
       concat(sta.wat_subactivity_code, ' - ', sta.wat_subactivity_label) sub_activity,
       concat(sta.wat_nature_of_work_code, ' - ', sta.wat_nature_of_work_label) work_nature,
       concat(sta.wat_priority_code, ' - ', sta.wat_priority_label) priority,
       concat(sta.wat_complexity_code, ' - ', sta.wat_complexity_label) complexity,
       concat(sta.wat_skill_level_code, ' - ', sta.wat_skill_level_label) skill_level,
       concat(sta.wat_program_code, ' - ', sta.wat_program_label) program,
       concat(sta.wat_perimeter_code, ' - ', sta.wat_perimeter_label) technical_scope,
       concat(sta.wat_customer_production_center_code, ' - ', sta.wat_customer_production_center_label) client_production_center,
       concat(sta.wat_scenario_code, ' - ', sta.wat_scenario_label) production_scenario,
       concat(sta.wat_application_classification_code, ' - ', sta.wat_application_classification_label) application_ranking,
       concat(sta.wat_customer_technical_leader_code, ' - ', sta.wat_customer_technical_leader_label) client_technical_leader,
       wko.wko_current_start_date wo_start_date,
       wko.wko_current_commit_end_date wo_end_date_commitment,
       wko.wko_last_delivery_date wo_last_delivery_date,
       wko.wko_highest_id highest_level_wo_id,
       wko.wko_highest_client_reference highest_level_wo_client_refence,
       wko.wko_batch_reference wo_batch_reference,
       wko.wko_label wo_descriprion
FROM dwh_swip.swip.f_logged_time tim
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_human_resource_hstr hrh ON hrh.hrh_id = tim.tim_hrh_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_range_element rng ON rng.rng_id = tim.tim_rng_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_date dat ON dat.dat_id = tim.tim_dat_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_range_element_hstr rnh ON rnh.rnh_id = tim.tim_rnh_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_task tsk ON tsk.tsk_id = tim.tim_tsk_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_workorder wko ON wko.wko_id = tim.tim_wko_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_client_contract cct ON cct.cct_id = tim.tim_cct_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_client cli ON cli.cli_id = tim.tim_cli_id
INNER JOIN dwh_swip.swip.d_wo_structuring_attributes sta ON sta.wat_id = tim.tim_wat_id
WHERE exists ( SELECT 1
    FROM swip.b_user_perimeter
    WHERE upr_domain_id = (@UserID) AND upr_active_domain_code = cct.cct_activity_domain_code )
AND hrh.hrh_production_center_swip_code IN (@ProductionCenterSwipCode)
AND cct.cct_activity_domain_code IN (N'ADS_TD',N'ADS_VV_ILL',N'AC_TD',N'BI',N'DEF_TD',N'DOM_MG',N'HE_TD',N'INDUSTRY',N'LLA DOM',N'NAV_CU_SUP',N'NAV_ENG',N'NAV_TD',N'non applicable',N'llaxx',N'unknown')
AND (@ResourceName IS NULL or @ResourceName IS NOT NULL AND hrh.hrh_full_name like N'%'+ @ResourceName + N'%')
AND ('{ALL}' in (@ActivityCode) or '{ALL}' NOT IN (@ActivityCode) AND sta.wat_activity_code IN (@ActivityCode))
AND ('{ALL}' in (@SubactivityCode) or '{ALL}' NOT IN (@SubactivityCode) AND sta.wat_subactivity_code IN (@SubactivityCode))
AND ('{ALL}' in (@WorkNatureCode) or '{ALL}' NOT IN (@WorkNatureCode) AND sta.wat_nature_of_work_code IN (@WorkNatureCode))
AND (-9999 in (@ClientId) or -9999 NOT IN (@ClientId) AND tim.tim_cli_id IN (@ClientId))
AND (-9999 in (@ContractId) or -9999 NOT IN (@ContractId) AND tim.tim_cct_id IN (@ContractId))
AND  tim.tim_dat_id >= (YEAR(@StartDate)*10000 + MONTH(@StartDate)*100 + DAY(@StartDate))
AND  tim.tim_dat_id <= (YEAR(@EndDate)*10000 + MONTH(@EndDate)*100 + DAY(@EndDate) )

这是一个 SQL 服务器错误。微软支持的回答:

ISSUE: You were having performance issues with a specific query. On SSMS and SSRS, it was taking longer to finish. On Azure Data Studio and SQL CMD, it was running faster

Fixes a performance issue when a query outputs NULL values following a semi join in SQL Server 2019 for a database with UTF8.

To solve the issue, you have to apply the latest CU on SQL, which is the CU11

起初 Microsoft 很难搞清楚,因为他们当时不知道行为会根据 SQL 客户端而改变。 现在他们知道了^^