
How to tell MessageQueue.SendMessageConnection how to "XMLize" the object to be sent?

我在 C# 中使用 System.Messaging.MessageQueue.SendMessageConnection 发送对象,其中包含一些参数,例如:

_sendQueue.Send(myObject, ...);







我的对象中的属性和我想使用的 XML 标签之间是否有简单的映射?


这其实很容易做到。查看 Control XML serialization using attributes :

By default, an XML element name is determined by the class or member name. In a simple class named Book, a field named ISBN will produce an XML element tag , as shown in the following example.

public class Book
    public string ISBN;
// When an instance of the Book class is serialized, it might
// produce this XML:
// <ISBN>1234567890</ISBN>.

This default behavior can be changed if you want to give the element a new name. The following code shows how an attribute enables this by setting the ElementName property of a XmlElementAttribute.

public class TaxRates {
    [XmlElement(ElementName = "TaxRate")]
    public decimal ReturnTaxRate;

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