App Tracking Transparency 隐私复选框和应用商店发布拒绝

App Tracking Transparency privacy checkboxes and app store release rejection

我的 iOS 应用提交一直被苹果拒绝,并显示以下消息:

Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing

The app privacy information you provided in App Store Connect still indicates you collect data in order to track the user, including User ID and Product Interaction. However, you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before tracking their activity.

Starting with iOS 14.5, apps on the App Store need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before collecting data used to track them. This requirement protects the privacy of App Store users.

Next Steps

Here are two ways to resolve this issue:

  • If you do not currently track, or decide to stop tracking, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.

  • If you track users, you must implement App Tracking Transparency and request permission before collecting data used to track. When you resubmit, indicate in the Review Notes where the permission request is located.


  • Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.
  • See Frequently Asked Questions about the new requirements for apps that track users.
  • Learn more about designing appropriate permission requests.

我已经更新我的应用程序以不使用任何 IDFA 调用(包括所有 facebook 和其他 SDK)

当我尝试在应用的“应用隐私”部分设置复选框时,它们无法完全取消选中(即至少必须选择一个选项),所以我不能声明我的应用不是使用设备 ID,即使代码库根本没有制作广告标识符。

App Tracking Transparency 真的意味着我们无法追踪任何东西,甚至是用户点击按钮和屏幕浏览量吗????如果是这样,那就太疯狂了!

主要问题是我希望通过不向用户显示不必要的 ATT 提示来为他们提供更好的用户体验。


  1. 更新 Data Types 部分以删除 Device Id。您可以在隐私部分的顶部找到它,然后点击 Edit,导航到最后的 Next 并取消选中 Device Id

  2. 更新 User IDProduct Interaction 部分以取消选中 - No, we do not track the user。您可以在隐私部分的末尾找到它,然后点击 Edit,导航到最后 Next 秒并取消选中上述框。
