在 Windows 上将图片上传到 Instagram,无需 API

Upload an image to Instagram on Windows without API

这是一个知识共享,灵感来自:Posting (Uploading) an image to Instagram using Selenium not using an API


此解决方案仅适用于 Windows OS。

下面的代码从上传文件夹中读取 .jpg 格式的照片,并 post 一张一张地读取带有标题的照片。

  1. 从 :
  2. 下载 autoit 模块


  1. 使用以下依赖项更新 package.json
"dependencies": {
    "selenium-webdriver": "^4.0.0-beta.4",
    "autoit": "file:autoit-2.0.1.tgz"   
  1. 运行 npm install

  2. 运行实际代码:

const fs = require('fs');
const { Builder, By, Key } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const au = require('autoit');
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');

const instagramUrl = 'https://www.instagram.com/';
const account = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT';
const password = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_PASSWORD';
const instagramLoginUrl = instagramUrl + 'accounts/login/';
const instagramAccountUrl = instagramUrl + account;

const waitTime = 2000;
const uploadFolder = 'uploadFolderName'
const mobileDeviceName = 'iPhone X';
const loginAlert = '//*[@id="slfErrorAlert"]';
const newPostButton = '//div[@data-testid="new-post-button"]';
const nextButton = '//button[text()="Next"]';
const captionTextArea = '//textarea[@aria-label="Write a caption…"]';
const shareButton = '//button[text()="Share"]';

let readFileNames = () => {
 let filenames = [];
 fs.readdirSync(uploadFolder).forEach(file => {
   let filename = file.split('.');
   if (filename[1] == 'jpg') {
 return filenames;

let filenames = readFileNames();

(async function example() {
 let driver = await new Builder()
   .setChromeOptions(new chrome.Options()
     .setMobileEmulation({ deviceName: mobileDeviceName }))
 try {
   // Go to Login page 
   await driver.get(instagramLoginUrl);
   await driver.sleep(waitTime);
   // Login
   await driver.findElement(By.name('username')).sendKeys(account);
   await driver.findElement(By.name('password')).sendKeys(password, Key.RETURN);
   await driver.sleep(waitTime);
   // Redirect to Profile Home Page
   await driver.get(instagramAccountUrl);
   await driver.sleep(waitTime);
   //Read Local Photos
   for (let file of filenames) {
     //Create New Post
     await driver.findElement(By.xpath(newPostButton)).click();
     await driver.sleep(waitTime);
     let imagePath = `${__dirname}\${uploadFolder}\${file}`;
     // Handle Windows Upload Photo Dialog
     let handle = "[TITLE:Open]";
     au.ControlClick(handle, "", "Button1");
     await driver.sleep(waitTime);
     // Hit Next
     await driver.findElement(By.xpath(nextButton)).click();
     await driver.sleep(waitTime);
     // Fill The Captions
     await driver.findElement(By.xpath(captionTextArea)).sendKeys("Your caption");
     await driver.sleep(waitTime);
     // Share New Post
     await driver.findElement(By.xpath(shareButton)).click();
     await driver.sleep(waitTime);
     // Back To Home Page
     await driver.get(instagramAccountUrl);
 catch (err) {
 finally {
   await driver.quit();