根据 WooCommerce 中的产品属性添加到购物车验证

Add to cart validation based on product attribute in WooCommerce


我们只需要比较 WooCommerce 产品的一个属性。


// Check Products added to cart for same vendor
function so_validate_add_cart_item( $passed, $product_id ) {

  global $woocommerce;
  $items = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();

  foreach($items as $item => $values)
          $_product =  wc_get_product( $values['data']->get_id());
          $prod1_vendeur[] = $_product->get_attribute( 'pa_vendeur' );

  $newproduct = wc_get_product( $product_id );
  $prod2_vendeur = $newproduct->get_attribute( 'pa_vendeur' );

  if (isset($prod1_vendeur ))
    if ( $prod1_vendeur[0] != $prod2_vendeur )
        $passed = false;
        wc_add_notice( 'Error message' , 'notice' );
  return $passed;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'so_validate_add_cart_item', 10, 5 );


  • 虽然您指定 woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation 钩子包含 5 个参数,但您只传递了 2
  • global $woocommerce;不是必须的,用WC()代替


function filter_woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation( $passed, $product_id, $quantity, $variation_id = null, $variations = null ) {   
    // Setting
    $attribute = 'pa_vendeur';
    // Real product ID
    $product_id = $variation_id > 0 ? $variation_id : $product_id;
    // Get product
    $product = wc_get_product( $product_id );
    // Get the product attribute value
    $product_attribute = $product->get_attribute( $attribute );
    // Initialize
    $flag = false;
    // WC Cart
    if ( WC()->cart ) {
        // Get cart
        $cart = WC()->cart;
        // If cart is NOT empty
        if ( ! $cart->is_empty() ) {
            // Loop through cart items
            foreach( $cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
                // Get the product attribute value
                $cart_item_attribute = $cart_item['data']->get_attribute( $attribute );
                // NOT equal
                if ( $cart_item_attribute != $product_attribute ) {
                    // Flag becomes true
                    $flag = true;
                    // Break loop
    // True
    if ( $flag ) {
        // Display an error message
        wc_add_notice( __( 'My custom error message', 'woocommerce' ), 'error' );
        $passed = false;

    return $passed;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'filter_woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 10, 5 );