如何确保井字游戏的玩家不会在 C# 中填满已经填满的棋盘

How to make sure that players of tic tac toe game don't fill an already filled board in C#

我正在尝试自己制作井字游戏,我制作了所有内容,包括 谁赢了,如果有平局,问题是我没能找到不让的方法 任何玩家覆盖二维数组中的特定位置
在主程序中,我使用了一个循环来填充每个玩家的棋盘,正如我所说 我努力寻找一种方法来避免让玩家不小心填满已经填满的棋盘 请帮忙,谢谢 这是控制台应用程序中 OOP 中的代码

class Player
    public int player1 { get; set; }
    public int player2 { get; set; }
    public int GetPlayer1(Board board)
        while (true)
            Console.Write("Player 1,chose from the above numbers to Print X on the specific position: ");
            player1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (player1 < 0 || player1 > 9)
                Console.WriteLine("Try again and enter a valid number");

        return player1;
    public int GetPlayer2(Board board)

        while (true)
            Console.Write("Player 2,chose from the above numbers to Print O on the specific position: ");
            player2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (player2 < 0 || player2 > 9)
                Console.WriteLine("Try again and enter a valid number");
        return player2;

 class Board

    public Player players = new Player();
    public readonly char[,] gamee = new char[3, 3];

    public char GetStateOfFirstPlayer(Board board)

        return players.player1 switch
            1 => gamee[0, 0] = 'X',
            2 => gamee[0, 1] = 'X',
            3 => gamee[0, 2] = 'X',
            4 => gamee[1, 0] = 'X',
            5 => gamee[1, 1] = 'X',
            6 => gamee[1, 2] = 'X',
            7 => gamee[2, 0] = 'X',
            8 => gamee[2, 1] = 'X',
            9 => gamee[2, 2] = 'X',
            _ => '0',


    public char GetStateOfSecondPlayer(Board board)



        return players.player2 switch
            1 => gamee[0, 0] = 'O',
            2 => gamee[0, 1] = 'O',
            3 => gamee[0, 2] = 'O',
            4 => gamee[1, 0] = 'O',
            5 => gamee[1, 1] = 'O',
            6 => gamee[1, 2] = 'O',
            7 => gamee[2, 0] = 'O',
            8 => gamee[2, 1] = 'O',
            9 => gamee[2, 2] = 'O',
            _ => '0',


    public void PrintBoard()
        Console.WriteLine($" {gamee[0, 0]}   |{gamee[0, 1]}   |{gamee[0, 2]}");

        Console.WriteLine($" {gamee[1, 0]}   |{gamee[1, 1]}   |{gamee[1, 2]}");

        Console.WriteLine($" {gamee[2, 0]}   |{gamee[2, 1]}   |{gamee[2, 2]}");

    static public void BoardNumbers()
        Console.WriteLine($" (1)   |(2)   |(3)");

        Console.WriteLine($" (4)   |(5)   |(6)");

        Console.WriteLine($" (7)   |(8)   |(9)");




class 胜利条件 {

    static public bool IsFirstPlayerWon(Board board)
        for (var x = 0; x < board.gamee.GetLength(0); x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < board.gamee.GetLength(1); y++)
                if (board.gamee[x, 0] == 'X' && board.gamee[x, 1] == 'X' && board.gamee[x, 2] == 'X') return true;
                if (board.gamee[0, y] == 'X' && board.gamee[1, y] == 'X' && board.gamee[2, y] == 'X') return true;
                if (board.gamee[0, 0] == 'X' && board.gamee[1, 1] == 'X' && board.gamee[2, 2] == 'X') return true;
                if (board.gamee[0, 2] == 'X' && board.gamee[1, 1] == 'X' && board.gamee[2, 0] == 'X') return true;


        return false;
    static public bool IsSecondPlayerWon(Board board)
        for (var x = 0; x < board.gamee.GetLength(0); x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < board.gamee.GetLength(1); y++)
                if (board.gamee[x, 0] == 'O' && board.gamee[x, 1] == 'O' && board.gamee[x, 2] == 'O') return true;
                if (board.gamee[0, y] == 'O' && board.gamee[1, y] == 'O' && board.gamee[2, y] == 'O') return true;
                if (board.gamee[0, 0] == 'O' && board.gamee[1, 1] == 'O' && board.gamee[2, 2] == 'O') return true;
                if (board.gamee[0, 2] == 'O' && board.gamee[1, 1] == 'O' && board.gamee[2, 0] == 'O') return true;


        return false;
    static public bool IsDraw(Board board)
        for (var x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                if (board.gamee[x, y] == '[=11=]') return false;// default value of char
        return true;

static void Main(string[] args)
        Board board = new Board();
        Player player = new Player();
        for(var x=1;x<=6;x++)
                Console.WriteLine("First Player Won");
            if (WinCondition.IsSecondPlayerWon(board) == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Second Player Won");



我为您创建了一个索引 class,它基本上允许根据玩家输入的数字计算游戏数组的数组索引。如果玩家输入 3,则得到 x = 2,y=0。因此不再需要switch语句,也更容易检查该位置的电路​​板是否空闲。


  1. 从玩家处获取号码
  2. 获取玩家输入数字的数组索引
  3. 检查此时板是否为空。如果不是,转到步骤 1
  4. 如果是空的,将播放器放在那里

这是一个有助于计算的新索引 class

    class Index
        public int x;
        public int y;

        public Index(int x, int y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;

        public static Index GetIndexFromNumber(int number)
            // remove one from the number, required for the following calculation
            int zeroBasedNumber = number - 1;

            // Use modulo board width to get the remainder, this is the x value
            int x = zeroBasedNumber % 3;

            // Use division board height to get the row, this is the y value
            int y = zeroBasedNumber / 3;

            return new Index(x, y);


   public void GetStateOfPlayer(Board board, char playerChar)

            Index index;
                index = Index.GetIndexFromNumber(players.player1);
                if (gamee[index.y, index.x] != '[=11=]')
                    Console.WriteLine("You can't place your mark there");
                // Repeat until the field is actually empty
            } while (gamee[index.y, index.x] != '[=11=]');

            // Place it when it's clear
            gamee[index.y, index.x] = playerChar;


 static void Main(string[] args)
        Board board = new Board();
        Player player = new Player();
        for (var x = 1; x <= 6; x++)
            if (IsDraw(board) == true)
            board.GetStateOfPlayer(board, 'X');
            if (IsFirstPlayerWon(board) == true)
                Console.WriteLine("First Player Won");
            board.GetStateOfPlayer(board, 'O');
            if (IsSecondPlayerWon(board) == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Second Player Won");
