使用所选字段添加 m2m 字段

Adding m2m fileds based on selected ones using

我正在尝试将国家 'Latam' 或 'Europe' 转换为国家列表并将其作为国家维护。

例如,当您在国家/地区列表中 select 拉美时,m2m 的结果必须是:[拉美、阿根廷、智利、秘鲁等]



 LATAM = [1, 4, 24]    

class PromoManagement(models.Model):
        house_id = models.CharField(max_length=6)
        original_title = models.CharField(max_length=150, blank=True, null=True)
        country = models.ManyToManyField(Country)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.original_title = get_orignal_title(self.house_id)
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

def region_check(sender, instance, action, **kwargs):
    if action == 'post_add' or action == 'post_remove':
        for country in instance.country.all():
            if country.name == 'Latam':
                for id in LATAM:

m2m_changed.connect(region_check, sender=PromoManagement.country.through)



def latam_region_converter(sender, instance, action, pk_set, **kwargs):
    if action == 'post_add' and 95 in pk_set:
        # Latam id is 95
        instance.country.add(2, 62, 6, 3, 4, 45, 103, 36, 42, 104, 43, 34, 44, 7, 46, 37, 75, 35, 58, 38)


if action == 'post_remove':
    # Then it checks if the country removed is on the list of latam. If true it deletes the id 95 from the list.


    LATAM = (2, 62, 6, 3, 4, 45, 103, 36, 42, 104, 43, 34, 44, 7, 46, 37, 75, 35, 58, 38)

def latam_region_converter(sender, instance, action, pk_set, **kwargs):
    if action == 'post_add' and 95 in pk_set:
        # Latam id is 95
        print('Adding latam countries')
        instance.country.add(2, 62, 6, 3, 4, 45, 103, 36, 42, 104, 43, 34, 44, 7, 46, 37, 75, 35, 58, 38)

    if action == 'post_remove' and any(item in LATAM for item in pk_set):
        print('Removing Latam')