如何在 Swift 中生成大范围的随机数?

How can I generate large, ranged random numbers in Swift?

我正在寻找一种在 Swift 中生成大数(包括浮点类型!)的有效方法,范围任意(甚至可以是 UInt.maxInt.max)

我见过的所有现有问题要么因大值 (UInt.max) 而崩溃,要么不支持范围。我知道您可以从 /dev/urandom 中读取随机字节,但这无助于将这些值限制在给定的间隔内(而且我很确定循环直到它效率不高)。

这是 UIntIntDouble 的可能解决方案 这些类型的全部范围。它被写成扩展方法 (现在更新为 Swift 2),但同样可以用全局函数完成。

请注意 arc4random_uniform() 仅生成 32 位数字,因此 如果 Int/UInt 是 64 位整数(就是这种情况 对于所有 OS X 机器和所有较新的 iOS 设备)。

对于UInt,我们使用中的技术 (这只是 的 Swift 翻译)。 范围覆盖UInt全范围的情况另行处理

extension UInt {
    static func random(minValue minValue : UInt, maxValue : UInt) -> UInt {
        precondition(minValue <= maxValue, "attempt to call random() with minValue > maxValue")

        if minValue == UInt.min && maxValue == UInt.max {
            // Random number in the full range of UInt:

            var rnd : UInt = 0
            arc4random_buf(&rnd, sizeofValue(rnd))
            return rnd
        } else {
            // Compute random number in the range 0 ... (maxValue-minValue),
            // using the technique from 
            // and avoiding the "modulo bias problem":

            let range = maxValue - minValue + 1
            let randLimit = UInt.max - UInt.max % range
            var rnd : UInt = 0
            repeat {
                arc4random_buf(&rnd, sizeofValue(rnd))
            } while rnd >= randLimit
            rnd = rnd % range

            // Transform `rnd` back to the range minValue ... maxValue:
            return minValue + rnd


let u1 = UInt.random(minValue: 1000, maxValue: 2000)
let u2 = UInt.random(minValue: UInt.min, maxValue: UInt.max)

可以使用 溢出运算符和 bitPattern: 转换:

extension Int {
    static func random(minValue minValue : Int, maxValue : Int) -> Int {
        precondition(minValue <= maxValue, "attempt to call random() with minValue > maxValue")

        // Compute unsigned random number in the range 0 ... (maxValue-minValue):
        let diff = UInt(bitPattern: maxValue &- minValue)
        let rnd = UInt.random(minValue: 0, maxValue: diff)

        // Transform `rnd` back to the range minValue ... maxValue:
        return minValue &+ Int(bitPattern: rnd)


let i1 = Int.random(minValue: -1000, maxValue: 1000)
let i2 = Int.random(minValue: Int.min, maxValue: Int.max)

最后,Double 的直接实现:

extension Double {
    static func random(minValue minValue : Double, maxValue : Double) -> Double {
        precondition(minValue <= maxValue, "attempt to call random() with minValue > maxValue")

        // Random floating point number in the range 0.0 ... 1.0:
        let rnd = Double(UInt.random(minValue: 0, maxValue: UInt.max))/Double(UInt.max)

        // Scale to range minValue ... maxValue:
        return minValue + rnd * (maxValue - minValue)


let d = Double.random(minValue: 10.5, maxValue: 123.5)

Swift3 的更新:

extension UInt {
    static func random(minValue: UInt, maxValue: UInt) -> UInt {
        precondition(minValue <= maxValue, "attempt to call random() with minValue > maxValue")

        if minValue == UInt.min && maxValue == UInt.max {
            // Random number in the full range of UInt:

            var rnd: UInt = 0
            arc4random_buf(&rnd, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: rnd))
            return rnd
        } else {
            // Compute random number in the range 0 ... (maxValue-minValue),
            // using the technique from 
            // and avoiding the "modulo bias problem":

            let range = maxValue - minValue + 1
            let randLimit = UInt.max - UInt.max % range
            var rnd: UInt = 0
            repeat {
                arc4random_buf(&rnd, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: rnd))
            } while rnd >= randLimit
            rnd = rnd % range

            // Transform `rnd` back to the range minValue ... maxValue:
            return minValue + rnd

extension Int {
    static func random(minValue: Int, maxValue: Int) -> Int {
        precondition(minValue <= maxValue, "attempt to call random() with minValue > maxValue")

        // Compute unsigned random number in the range 0 ... (maxValue-minValue):
        let diff = UInt(bitPattern: maxValue &- minValue)
        let rnd = UInt.random(minValue: 0, maxValue: diff)

        // Transform `rnd` back to the range minValue ... maxValue:
        return minValue &+ Int(bitPattern: rnd)

extension Double {
    static func random(minValue: Double, maxValue: Double) -> Double {
        precondition(minValue <= maxValue, "attempt to call random() with minValue > maxValue")

        // Random floating point number in the range 0.0 ... 1.0:
        let rnd = Double(UInt.random(minValue: 0, maxValue: UInt.max))/Double(UInt.max)

        // Scale to range minValue ... maxValue:
        return minValue + rnd * (maxValue - minValue)