在地址栏中输入 URL 时,“%”被解释为“0”
'%' getting interpreted as '0' when inputting URL into address bar
当从 Blue Prism for SharePoint 网站将 URL 输入地址栏时,百分号 ('%') 被解释为 ('0')
问题与将 % 符号解释为命令有关。需要使用大括号才能使用成功。
替换(替换("https://health.sharepoint.com/sites/in/Standard/Forms/My%20Claims.aspx","%","{%}"),")","{ %}")
虽然 Eoin2111 的回答是正确的,但一般来说在编辑 URL 时,您应该确保对其进行编码(删除空格、特殊字符等)。
编码 URL 的一种方法是 HttpUtility.UrlEncode(). The usage of this and some other useful methods is very well described in here.
当从 Blue Prism for SharePoint 网站将 URL 输入地址栏时,百分号 ('%') 被解释为 ('0')
问题与将 % 符号解释为命令有关。需要使用大括号才能使用成功。
替换(替换("https://health.sharepoint.com/sites/in/Standard/Forms/My%20Claims.aspx","%","{%}"),")","{ %}")
虽然 Eoin2111 的回答是正确的,但一般来说在编辑 URL 时,您应该确保对其进行编码(删除空格、特殊字符等)。 编码 URL 的一种方法是 HttpUtility.UrlEncode(). The usage of this and some other useful methods is very well described in here.