
Mobile Wallet location based notification mechanism


根据我在Google pay和Apple Wallet的文档中查到的,他们支持基于位置的通知,但我不太了解细节。


  1. 如何处理位置数据?移动钱包是否每隔 xx 分钟发送一次位置数据,并且那里的一些服务器会根据我们通过忠诚度通行证设置的内容检查和推送通知?
  2. 我们可以为每个客户定制这些通知吗?


Based on what I investigated in the document of Google pay and Apple Wallet, they support location based notification

注意根据Google documentation

Important: Geofenced notifications are temporarily unavailable for a majority of users while we make platform improvements. We'll completely update this feature in an upcoming release.

  1. How will the location data be handled? Does mobile wallet send location data every xx min interval and some servers out there will check and push notification based on what we setup via the loyalty pass?

我不知道这到底是怎么回事。我试图提供的任何答案都是纯粹的猜测。 Google 和 Apple 之间的技术实现也可能不同。

  1. Can we customize these notification for every customer?
