当唯一的区别是 return 对象的键名时,最优雅的重构方法是什么?

What's the most elegant way to refactor this when the only difference is the key name of a return object?

当唯一的区别是 return 对象的键名时,最优雅的重构方法是什么?

function generateContactInput(rawData, contactId) {
  const data = rawData
    ? rawData.replace(/["]+/g, '').split(SEMICOLON)
    : undefined;
  const populatedData = data
    ? data.map((value) => ({ contactId, value }))
    : undefined;
  if (Array.isArray(populatedData) && populatedData.length > 0)
    populatedData[0].isPrimary = true;
  return populatedData;

function generateContactAddressInput(rawAddresses, contactId) {
  const data = rawAddresses
    ? rawAddresses.replace(/["]+/g, '').split(SEMICOLON)
    : undefined;
  const populatedData = data
    ? data.map((streetAddress) => ({ contactId, streetAddress }))
    : undefined;
  if (Array.isArray(populatedData) && populatedData.length > 0)
    populatedData[0].isPrimary = true;
  return populatedData;


? data.map((streetAddress) => ({ contactId, streetAddress }))


function generateInput(rawData, contactId, fieldName) {
  const data = rawData
    ? rawData.replace(/["]+/g, '').split(SEMICOLON)
    : undefined;
  const populatedData = data
    ? data.map((value) => ({ contactId, [fieldName]: value }))
    : undefined;
  if (Array.isArray(populatedData) && populatedData.length > 0)
    populatedData[0].isPrimary = true;
  return populatedData;


function generateContactInput(rawData, contactId) {
  return generateInput(rawData, contactId, 'value');

function generateContactAddressInput(rawData, contactId) {
  return generateInput(rawData, contactId, 'streetAddress');


function generateInput(rawData, contactId, fieldName) {
  if (!rawData) return; // no need to drag this special case through the whole code

  const data = rawData.replace(/["]+/g, '').split(SEMICOLON);
  const populatedData = data.map((value) => ({ contactId, [fieldName]: value }));
  if (populatedData.length > 0) 
    populatedData[0].isPrimary = true;
  return populatedData;


const compose = (...fns: any[]) => (data: any) => fns.reduceRight((acc, fn) => fn(acc), data);

const SEMICOLON = ';'

const rawInfo = (contactId, name) => (value) => ({ contactId, [name]: value })

const replace = (rawData) => rawData ? rawData.replace(/["]+/g, '').split(SEMICOLON) : undefined

const populate = (cb) => (data) => data ? data.map(cb) : undefined

const array = (data) => {
    if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0) {
        const [head, ...tail] = data

        const newHead = {
            isPrimary: true
        return [newHead, ...tail]

    return data

const handler = (rawData, contactId, strategy: 'value' | 'streetAddress') =>
    compose(array, populate(rawInfo(contactId, strategy)), replace)(rawData)

Here 你可以找到我关于输入 compose 函数的文章