具有重载 + 和 << 运算符的有理数 (p/q) 的 class

A class for rational number (p/q) with overloading + and << operator

我想添加两个有理数并使用重载运算符 + 和 << 以 p/q 的形式显示它们。 我正在使用 friend 函数,因为添加和显示函数采用多种不同类型的参数。在加法函数中,我正在执行正常的分数加法,就像我们在现实生活中所做的那样。但是当我 运行 代码时,我得到一个无法将 Rational 转换为 Rational(),
的错误 错误: Rational.cpp: In function 'int main()': Rational.cpp:51:15: error: assignment of function 'Rational R3()' R3 = R1 + R2; Rational.cpp:51:15: error: cannot convert 'Rational' to 'Rational()' in assignment*

我不知道为什么这么说.... ??


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Rational
        int P;
        int Q;
        Rational(int p = 1, int q = 1)
            P = p;
            Q = q;
    friend Rational operator+(Rational r1, Rational r2);

    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, Rational r3);

Rational operator+(Rational r1, Rational r2)
        Rational temp;
        if(r1.Q == r2.Q)
            temp.P = r1.P + r2.P;
            temp.Q = r1.Q;
            temp.P = ((r1.P) * (r2.Q)) + ((r2.P) * (r1.Q));
            temp.Q = (r1.Q) * (r2.Q);

        return temp;

ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, Rational r3)
    return out;
int main()
    Rational R1(3,4);
    Rational R2(5,6);
    Rational R3();

    R3 = R1 + R2;



Rational R3();

声明了一个名为 R3 的函数,它 returns 一个 Rational 并且不接受任何参数。它没有将 R3 定义为默认构造的 Rational。将行更改为以下任何一项

 Rational R3; 
 Rational R3{};
 auto R3 = Rational();
 auto R3 = Rational{};