创建用于生成 C# 字典的 lambda 的表达式树

Expression tree to create lambda for generating a c# dictionary


_myObservable.Subscribe(d => {
    PropertyInfo[] props = d.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    var propValDict = props.ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => prop.GetValue(d, null));

// Datatype of d is determined during runtime and there are only 8 possibilities of the type


建议似乎指向表达式树的使用,创建编译的 lambda (Func<object,Dictionary<string, object>>) 并预先将其存储在查找字典中。

//Foreach possibleType in PossibleTypes, Do below

PropertyInfo[] props = possibleType.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

var rootParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "d");
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(PropertyInfo), "prop");
var propertyFirst = Expression.Property(param, "Name");

var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(PropertyInfo), "prop");
var callMethod = Expression.Call(param2, typeof(PropertyInfo).GetMethod(nameof(PropertyInfo.GetValue), new Type[] { typeof(object) }), rootParam);

var pro = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Array), "props");

var toDict = Expression.Invoke(pro, propertyFirst, callMethod);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, Dictionary<string, object>>>(toDict, rootParam);
var compiled = lambda.Compile();

我无法调用 Enumerable 的 ToDictionary class 这种方法我缺少一些东西,或者这真的会提高性能。


在思考表达式时,您总是需要弄清楚等效的 C# 代码是什么样的。在这种情况下,等效的 C# 代码不会遍历 PropertyInfo 的集合,而是可能看起来像:

public static Func<object, Dictionary<string, object>> CreateConvertToPropertyDict<T>()
    return input =>
        var d = (T)input;
        return new Dictionary<string, object>())
            { "Foo", d.Foo },
            { "Bar", d.Bar },


public static Func<object, Dictionary<string, object>> CreatePropertyDict(Type type)
    // Consider caching these in a static field, since they're constant
    var dictType = typeof(Dictionary<string, object>);
    var dictCtor = dictType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(int) });
    var dictAddMethod = dictType.GetMethod("Add");

    var properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
    var blockExpressions = new List<Expression>();
    // 'object input' is our input parameter
    var inputParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "input");
    // MyType d;
    var dVariable = Expression.Variable(type, "d");
    // d = (MyType)inputObject;
    blockExpressions.Add(Expression.Assign(dVariable, Expression.Convert(inputParameter, type)));
    // Dictionary<string, object> dict;
    var dictVariable = Expression.Variable(dictType, "dict");
    // dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(3) (or however many properties there are)
    blockExpressions.Add(Expression.Assign(dictVariable, Expression.New(dictCtor, Expression.Constant(properties.Length))));
    foreach (var property in properties)
        var propertyAccess = Expression.Property(dVariable, property);
        // dict.Add("Foo", (object)d.Foo)
            Expression.Convert(propertyAccess, typeof(object))));
    // The final statement in a block is the return value
    var block = Expression.Block(new[] { dVariable, dictVariable }, blockExpressions);
    return Expression.Lambda<Func<object, Dictionary<string, object>>>(block, inputParameter).Compile();


public static void Main()
    var test = new Test() { Foo = "woop", Bar = 3 };
    var expr = CreatePropertyDict(typeof(Test));

See it on dotnetfiddle.

这里还有一些Expression的高级用法,我就不一一赘述了。查看 the docs,并尝试使用 C# 编译器为 C# 代码的不同位生成的各种表达式。