使用 JFrog CLI 部署到 Artifactory 时,有什么方法可以排除某些 Maven 工件吗?
Is there any way to exclude certain Maven artifacts when deploying to Artifactory with JFrog CLI?
我正在尝试自动化 Gitlab CI/CD 管道,用于构建多模块 Maven 项目并将其部署到 Artifactory。我遇到了 JFrog CLI 工具,但我遇到了一个问题,因为我的项目中有一些 jar 必须从部署中排除。
./jfrog rt mvn "clean install pom.xml" configuration.yml --build-name="something" --build-number="something"
我如何才能像使用 Jenkins Artifactory 插件一样配置排除模式?
Jenkins Artifactory plugin - exclude patterns
JFrog CLI 尚未正式支持此功能。
但是,作为解决方法,您可以为 artifactory.publish.excludePatterns
Java 属性 提供一个以逗号分隔的排除路径列表:
jfrog rt mvn clean install -Dartifactory.publish.excludePatterns="exclude-pattern-1,exclude-pattern-2"
# Example:
jfrog rt mvn clean install -Dartifactory.publish.excludePatterns="*artifact1*,*artifact2*"
[main] INFO org.jfrog.build.extractor.maven.BuildInfoRecorder - 'your-excluded-artifact-name' will not be deployed due to the defined include-exclude patterns.
我正在尝试自动化 Gitlab CI/CD 管道,用于构建多模块 Maven 项目并将其部署到 Artifactory。我遇到了 JFrog CLI 工具,但我遇到了一个问题,因为我的项目中有一些 jar 必须从部署中排除。
./jfrog rt mvn "clean install pom.xml" configuration.yml --build-name="something" --build-number="something"
我如何才能像使用 Jenkins Artifactory 插件一样配置排除模式? Jenkins Artifactory plugin - exclude patterns
JFrog CLI 尚未正式支持此功能。
但是,作为解决方法,您可以为 artifactory.publish.excludePatterns
Java 属性 提供一个以逗号分隔的排除路径列表:
jfrog rt mvn clean install -Dartifactory.publish.excludePatterns="exclude-pattern-1,exclude-pattern-2"
# Example:
jfrog rt mvn clean install -Dartifactory.publish.excludePatterns="*artifact1*,*artifact2*"
[main] INFO org.jfrog.build.extractor.maven.BuildInfoRecorder - 'your-excluded-artifact-name' will not be deployed due to the defined include-exclude patterns.