自定义函数不适用于名为 "x" 的列,除非在 summarise() dplyr R 中由 .$x 指定
custom function does not work on column named "x" unless specified by .$x in summarise() dplyr R
我想创建一个自定义函数,通过创建名为 lower.bound 和 upper.bound 的两列来计算列的置信区间。我还希望这个函数能够在 dplyr::summarize() 函数中工作。
该函数在所有测试环境中都按预期工作,但在列名为“x”时却没有。当它是时,它会发出警告和 returns NaN 值。它仅在列明确声明为 .$x 时有效。这是代码示例。我不明白其中的细微差别...您能为我指出正确的理解方向吗?
# creates random data frame
z <- data.frame(
x = runif(100),
y = runif(100),
z = runif(100)
# creates function to calculate confidence intervals
conf.int <- function(x, alpha = 0.05) {
sample.mean <- mean(x)
sample.n <- length(x)
sample.sd <- sd(x)
sample.se <- sample.sd / sqrt(sample.n)
t.score <- qt(p = alpha / 2,
df = sample.n - 1,
lower.tail = F)
margin.error <- t.score * sample.se
lower.bound <- sample.mean - margin.error
upper.bound <- sample.mean + margin.error
as.data.frame(cbind(lower.bound, upper.bound))
# This works as expected
z %>%
summarise(x = mean(y), conf.int(y))
# This does not
z %>%
summarise(x = mean(x), conf.int(x))
# This does
z %>%
summarise(x = mean(x), conf.int(.$x))
这是 dplyr
中的一个“功能”,它使 x
的更新值(具有平均值)在您将其传递给 conf.int
可能的选项是 -
- 更改变量名称以存储平均值
z %>% summarise(x1 = mean(x), conf.int(x))
# x1 lower.bound upper.bound
#1 0.4797154 0.4248486 0.5345822
- 更改顺序
z %>% summarise(conf.int(x), x = mean(x))
# lower.bound upper.bound x
#1 0.4248486 0.5345822 0.4797154
我想创建一个自定义函数,通过创建名为 lower.bound 和 upper.bound 的两列来计算列的置信区间。我还希望这个函数能够在 dplyr::summarize() 函数中工作。
该函数在所有测试环境中都按预期工作,但在列名为“x”时却没有。当它是时,它会发出警告和 returns NaN 值。它仅在列明确声明为 .$x 时有效。这是代码示例。我不明白其中的细微差别...您能为我指出正确的理解方向吗?
# creates random data frame
z <- data.frame(
x = runif(100),
y = runif(100),
z = runif(100)
# creates function to calculate confidence intervals
conf.int <- function(x, alpha = 0.05) {
sample.mean <- mean(x)
sample.n <- length(x)
sample.sd <- sd(x)
sample.se <- sample.sd / sqrt(sample.n)
t.score <- qt(p = alpha / 2,
df = sample.n - 1,
lower.tail = F)
margin.error <- t.score * sample.se
lower.bound <- sample.mean - margin.error
upper.bound <- sample.mean + margin.error
as.data.frame(cbind(lower.bound, upper.bound))
# This works as expected
z %>%
summarise(x = mean(y), conf.int(y))
# This does not
z %>%
summarise(x = mean(x), conf.int(x))
# This does
z %>%
summarise(x = mean(x), conf.int(.$x))
这是 dplyr
中的一个“功能”,它使 x
的更新值(具有平均值)在您将其传递给 conf.int
可能的选项是 -
- 更改变量名称以存储平均值
z %>% summarise(x1 = mean(x), conf.int(x))
# x1 lower.bound upper.bound
#1 0.4797154 0.4248486 0.5345822
- 更改顺序
z %>% summarise(conf.int(x), x = mean(x))
# lower.bound upper.bound x
#1 0.4248486 0.5345822 0.4797154