如何在 Cal-heatmap 中的 d3 对象上添加 url/link

How to add url/link on d3 objects in Cal-heatmap

作为一个d3和js的新手,或者只是一个普通的前端,我花了足够的时间基本上了解了如何Cal-heatmap works. I have a working version, but really want to make the tiny boxes on the calendar hyperlinks for extra functionality, and reading the source code was a complete disaster for me. I suppose I should add .attr("xlink:href", url) to some object as suggested here,但我真的想不通在哪里。有没有人做过类似的事情?我也不太明白我在初始化时指定的属性是如何传递给源代码的。感谢您的帮助!



    var a = d3.select( this.parentNode ) // get the parent of the rect (it's a g)
      .append("a") // append the link
      .attr("target", "_blank"); // set its link
    var rect = this;
    rect.remove(); // remove the rect
    a.insert(function(){return rect}); // and re-add it to the link
