以高于 1 的步数迭代时匹配 js 中的迭代值

Matching iterating values in js when iterating with a higher step count than 1

当我使用除 1 以外的其他迭代步数时如何匹配值?

请看下面的例子。我以 5 为单位进行交互,因为 5 是速度。

但是,一旦我接近 53,我该如何停止。我如何检测并停止开始超过 53 并达到 53?

var start=0;

var value_to_reach=53;
var increment_speed=5;
while(true) {

} else { start+=increment_speed  }

if (start==value_to_reach) { 
console.log("reached :" + value_to_reach); //Obviously this will never happen with the increment being +5."
  if (start>54)
    console.log("Let's break this loop for the sake of stopping this infinite loop. But we couldn't achieve what we want. Not reached " + value_to_reach); 

如果我们接近 target

while (start <= reach)循环中我们可以:

  • 检查下一个迭代器是否在reach之上
    • 如果是,降低迭代器
    • 否则,保持常规步长
  • 增量计数器

let start = 0,
    steps = 5,
    reach = 53,
    debug = 0;

while (start <= reach) {
  console.log(`Step: ${steps}, current: ${start}`);
  // If next iteration will be above reach
  if ((start + steps) >= reach) {
    // Set steps to the diff
    steps = (start + steps) - reach;
  // Increment
  start += steps;


Step: 5, current: 0
Step: 5, current: 5
Step: 5, current: 10
Step: 5, current: 15
Step: 5, current: 20
Step: 5, current: 25
Step: 5, current: 30
Step: 5, current: 35
Step: 5, current: 40
Step: 5, current: 45
Step: 5, current: 50
Step: 2, current: 52
Step: 1, current: 53

如果你想超过 reach,然后回到 target,你可以使用类似的东西:

let start = 0,
    steps = 5,
    reach = 53,
    debug = 0;

do {
  console.log(`Step: ${steps}, current: ${start}`);
  // If we're above the target
  if (start > reach) {
    // Set steps to negative
    steps = -1;
  // Increment
  start += steps;
  console.log(`Step: ${steps}, current: ${start}`);
} while (start !== reach)

How to detect if it's close to 53 or not


var totalRepeation = Math.ceil(value_to_reach / increment_speed);



var start = 0;

        var value_to_reach = 53;
        var increment_speed = 5;

        let totalRepeation = Math.ceil(value_to_reach / increment_speed);

        let i = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (start > value_to_reach) {
                start -= increment_speed
            } else { start += increment_speed; i++ }

            if (i + 1 >= totalRepeation) {
                console.log("you are close to 53. the start numbre is: ", start)

            if (start == value_to_reach) {
                console.log("reached :" + value_to_reach); //Obviously this will never happen with the increment being +5."
            if (start > 54) {
                console.log("Let's break this loop for the sake of stopping this infinite loop. But we couldn't achieve what we want. Not reached " + value_to_reach);