计算没有帮手的平均投资价格 columns/tables

Calculate average invested price without helper columns/tables


如果您查看下面的 table,我会尝试在不添加辅助列的情况下查找每笔交易的平均价格。当 Buy 一侧的平均价格是正确的,但在 Sell 一侧显示不正确的平均价格,我正在寻找一个公式,数组公式或平均价格列的 UDF。

日期 侧面 数量 价格 价值 持有 平均价格
7 月 1 日 购买 225 10000 2250000 225 10000
7 月 2 日 购买 75 10200 765000 300 10050
7 月 3 日 卖出 -150 9950 -1492500 150 10150

Value 的公式是 =E3*D3Holding 的公式是 =SUM($D:D3)Avg price=SUMPRODUCT($D:D3,$E:E3)/SUM($D:$D3) 我往下拉了。除了最后一个值 10150 之外,一切似乎都是正确的。理想情况下,根据下面给出的 FIFO 逻辑,它应该有 10,100

第一个订单:数量 = 225 |价格 = 卢比10,000.00

二阶:数量 = 75 |价格 = 卢比10,200.00

要计算平均价格,首先计算值(数量 x 价格)。因此:

第一笔交易:卢比。 22,50,000.00

第二笔交易:卢比。 7,65,000.00

总数量 = 300

前两个订单的总价值:Rs。 30,15,000.00


卢比。 30,15,000.00 ÷ 300 = Rs.10,050.00(是否使用 =sumproduct 公式)

7 月 3 日,我们下了 150 个卖单(共 300 个)。价格:卢比。 9,950.00

这里将采用FIFO(先进先出)的方法。该方法将检查第一笔交易(在买方)。在本例中为225。150卖出的股票将从225(首次持有)中扣除。最初持有的余额为 225,现在为 225 - 150 = 75

经过FIFO后,table扣除卖出数量后就变成这样了。看到第一个 Qty 从 225 变成了 75 因为 150 只股票被卖出了。

日期 侧面 数量 价格 价值 持有 平均价格
7 月 1 日 购买 75 10000 750000 75 10000
7 月 2 日 购买 75 10200 765000 150 10100

请注意: 如果卖出数量大于225,则进入下一笔交易扣除剩余数量。

现在要解决此问题,需要额外的帮助列或帮助 table,我希望根除并找到公式或数组公式或 UDF 来计算平均价格。我请求 excel 专家帮助我解决这个问题。


日期 侧面 数量 价格 价值 持有 平均价格
7 月 1 日 购买 5 10 50 5 10
7 月 2 日 卖出 -3 17 -51 2 -0.5
7 月 3 日 购买 17 3 51 19 2.63
7 月 4 日 卖出 -15 7.8 -117 4 -16.75


从@Tom Sharpe 得到解决方案后完成

为了获得平均价格,我将两个变量 avgRate 和 sumRate 声明为 double 并稍微修改了 For Each 代码。如果有有效的方法,请提出建议。如果可以将其转换为 UDF,我将不胜感激,这样我就不必一次又一次地 运行 代码。非常感谢您的精彩解决方案。

For Each bs In queue
    Debug.Print ("qty=" & bs.qty)
    Debug.Print ("rate=" & bs.rate)
    avgRate = avgRate + (bs.qty * bs.rate)
    sumRate = sumRate + bs.qty
    Debug.Print avgRate / sumRate

好的,这是 VBA 实现的测试版本。


If 'buy' transaction, just add to the queue.

If 'sell' transaction (negative quantity)


    Take as much as possible from earliest transaction

    If more is required, look at next transaction

  until sell amount reduced to zero.

该程序使用 class BuySell,因此您需要创建一个 class 模块,将其重命名为 BuySell 并包含行

Public rate As Double
Public qty As Double


Option Explicit

    Sub FifoTrading()
        ' Create the queue
        Dim queue As Object
        Set queue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue") 'Create the Queue
        ' Declare some variables
        Dim bs As Object
        Dim qty As Double
        Dim rate As Double
        Dim qtySold As Double
        Dim qtyBought As Double
        Dim qtyRemaining As Double
        Dim rateBought As Double
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 2 To 5
        Debug.Print (Cells(i, 3).Value())
        Debug.Print (Cells(i, 4).Value())
            rate = Cells(i, 4).Value()
            qty = Cells(i, 3).Value()
            If qty > 0 Then
                Set bs = New BuySell
                bs.rate = rate
                bs.qty = qty
                queue.Enqueue bs
                qtyRemaining = -qty
                'Work through the 'buy' transactions in the queue starting at the oldest.
                While qtyRemaining > 0
                    If qtyRemaining < queue.peek().qty Then
                    'More than enough stocks in this 'buy' to cover the sale so just work out what's left
                        queue.peek().qty = queue.peek().qty - qtyRemaining
                        qtyRemaining = 0
                    ElseIf qtyRemaining = queue.peek().qty Then
                    'Exactly enough stocks in this 'buy' to cover the sale so remove from queue
                        Set bs = queue.dequeue()
                        qtyRemaining = 0
                    'Not enough stocks in this 'buy' to cover the sale so remove from queue and reduce amount of sale remaining
                        Set bs = queue.dequeue()
                        qtyRemaining = qtyRemaining - bs.qty
                    End If
            End If
        Next i

        For Each bs In queue
            Debug.Print ("qty=" & bs.qty)
            Debug.Print ("rate=" & bs.rate)

        avRate = 0
        totQty = 0
        For Each bs In queue
            avRate = avRate + bs.qty * bs.rate
            totQty = totQty + bs.qty
        avRate = avRate / totQty
        Debug.Print ("average=" & avRate)
    End Sub


所以平均汇率是 10100。


所以平均比率是 3。


这里是 UDF 版本,称为


Function avgRate(qtyRange As Range, rateRange As Range)

    ' Create the queue
    Dim queue As Object
    Set queue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue") 'Create the Queue
    ' Declare some variables
    Dim bs As Object
    Dim qty As Double
    Dim rate As Double
    Dim qtySold As Double
    Dim qtyBought As Double
    Dim qtyRemaining As Double
    Dim rateBought As Double
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sumRate As Double, totQty As Double
    For i = 1 To qtyRange.Cells().Count

        qty = qtyRange.Cells(i).Value()
        rate = rateRange.Cells(i).Value()
        If qty > 0 Then
            Set bs = New BuySell
            bs.rate = rate
            bs.qty = qty
            queue.Enqueue bs
            qtyRemaining = -qty
            'Work through the 'buy' transactions in the queue starting at the oldest.
            While qtyRemaining > 0
                If qtyRemaining < queue.peek().qty Then
                'More than enough stocks in this 'buy' to cover the sale so just work out what's left
                    queue.peek().qty = queue.peek().qty - qtyRemaining
                    qtyRemaining = 0
                ElseIf qtyRemaining = queue.peek().qty Then
                'Exactly enough stocks in this 'buy' to cover the sale so remove from queue
                    Set bs = queue.dequeue()
                    qtyRemaining = 0
                'Not enough stocks in this 'buy' to cover the sale so remove from queue and reduce amount of sale remaining
                    Set bs = queue.dequeue()
                    qtyRemaining = qtyRemaining - bs.qty
                End If
        End If
    Next i

    'Calculate average rate over remaining stocks

    sumRate = 0
    totQty = 0
    For Each bs In queue
        sumRate = sumRate + bs.qty * bs.rate
        totQty = totQty + bs.qty
    avgRate = sumRate / totQty


End Function