python 线性回归:密集与稀疏

python linear regression: dense vs sparse


我已经为一些列生成了最大标准化值。 CSV 文件在这里:

运行 正常线性回归工作正常。示例代码:

df = pd.read_csv("maxnorm_50_Startups.csv")
y = pd.DataFrame()
y = df['Profit']
x = pd.DataFrame()
x = df.drop('Profit', axis=1)
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2)
LR = LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_prediction = LR.predict(x_test)
score=r2_score(y_test, y_prediction)
print('r2 score is', score)


r2 score is 0.9683831928840445

我想用稀疏矩阵重复这个。我将 CSV 转换为稀疏表示:


df = pd.read_csv("maxnorm_50_Startups_relational.csv")
df['x'] = pd.to_numeric(df['x'], errors='raise')

m = len(df.x.unique())

for i in range(0, m): # randomize the 'x' values to randomize train test split
    n = random.randint(0, m)
    df.loc[df['x'] == n, 'x'] = m
    df.loc[df['x'] == i, 'x'] = n
    df.loc[df['x'] == m, 'x'] = i
y = pd.DataFrame()
y = df[df['feature'] == 'Profit']
x = pd.DataFrame()
x = df[df['feature'] != 'Profit']
y = y.drop('feature', axis=1)

x['feat'] = pd.factorize(x['feature'])[0] # sparse matrix code below can't work with strings

x_train = pd.DataFrame()
x_train = x[x['x'] <= 39]
x_test = pd.DataFrame()
x_test = x[x['x'] >= 40]

y_train = pd.DataFrame()
y_train = y[y['x'] <= 39]
y_test = pd.DataFrame()
y_test = y[y['x'] >= 40]

x_test['x'] = x_test['x'] - 40 # sparse matrix assumes that if something is numbered 50
y_test['x'] = y_test['x'] - 40 # there must be 50 records. there are 10. so renumber to 10

x_train_sparse = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((x_train.value, (x_train.x, x_train.feat)))
# print(x_train_sparse.todense())
x_test_sparse = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((x_test.value, (x_test.x, x_test.feat)))
LR = LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_prediction = LR.predict(x_test_sparse)
score = r2_score(y_test, y_prediction)
print('r2 score is', score)


r2 score is -10.794519939249602

表示线性回归不起作用。我不知道我哪里错了。我尝试自己实现线性回归方程而不是使用库函数,但我仍然得到负 r2 分数。我的错误是什么?

Linear Regression 在稀疏数据上表现不佳。

还有其他线性算法,如 RidgeLassoBayesian RidgeElasticNet,它们对密集数据和稀疏数据的表现相同。这些算法类似于线性回归,但它们的损失函数包含一个额外的惩罚项。

有一些非线性算法,如 RandomForestRegressorGradientBoostingRegressorExtraTreesRegressorXGBoostRegressor 等,它们在稀疏矩阵和密集矩阵上的表现也一样。
