如何在 MetaMask 上触发更改区块链网络请求

How to trigger change blockchain network request on MetaMask

我正在使用 web3 进行我的第一个 dapp 测试,我想这样做 MetaMask 将提示用户将网络更改为 Binance (BSC) 网络,如果尚未选择,就像这里:



await window.ethereum.request({
  method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
  params: [{ chainId: '0x61' }], // chainId must be in hexadecimal numbers

一个更全面的答案是检查是否安装了 MetaMask,以及是否安装了你的 Dapp 想要连接的链,如果没有安装它:

 // Check if MetaMask is installed
 // MetaMask injects the global API into window.ethereum
 if (window.ethereum) {
      try {
        // check if the chain to connect to is installed
        await window.ethereum.request({
          method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
          params: [{ chainId: '0x61' }], // chainId must be in hexadecimal numbers
      } catch (error) {
        // This error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask
        // if it is not, then install it into the user MetaMask
        if (error.code === 4902) {
          try {
            await window.ethereum.request({
              method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
              params: [
                  chainId: '0x61',
                  rpcUrl: 'https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/',
          } catch (addError) {
    } else {
      // if no window.ethereum then MetaMask is not installed
      alert('MetaMask is not installed. Please consider installing it: https://metamask.io/download.html');
async switchEthereumChain() {
    try {
      await window.ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
        params: [{ chainId: '0x61' }],
    } catch (e: any) {
      if (e.code === 4902) {
        try {
          await window.ethereum.request({
            method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
            params: [
                chainId: '0x61',
                chainName: 'Smart Chain - Testnet',
                nativeCurrency: {
                  name: 'Binance',
                  symbol: 'BNB', // 2-6 characters long
                  decimals: 18
                blockExplorerUrls: ['https://testnet.bscscan.com'],
                rpcUrls: ['https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/'],
        } catch (addError) {
      // console.error(e)

虽然上面的答案对我不起作用,但它给我一个错误 Unsupported keys:\nrpcUrl" 这是因为它应该是数组中的 rpcUrls 而不是 rpcUrl字符串,还要注意 blockExplorerUrls。

您可以找到 metamask 的文档 here