如何获取 EF-Core MigrationSqlGenerator 中生成函数生成的 SQL 命令?

How to get SQL command generated by Generate function in EF-Core MigrationSqlGenerator?

使用 EF-Core 处理自定义 SQL 迁移命令。是否可以获取由覆盖的 Generate 函数生成的 SQL 命令?

protected override void Generate(AddColumnOperation operation, IModel model, MigrationCommandListBuilder builder)
      base.Generate(operation, model, builder);
      var generatedSQL = ?; // <-- how can I get this SQL command?

MigrationSqlGenerator produces a list of MigrationCommand instances which can be obtained from the MigrationCommandListBuilder via GetCommandList method. The SQL command text is contained in the CommandText 属性 的 MigrationCommand.


var generatedSQL = builder.GetCommandList().Last().CommandText;


var commands = builder.GetCommandList();
var start = commands.Count;
base.Generate(operation, model, builder);
for (int i = start; i < commands.Count; i++)
    var generatedSQL = commands[i].CommandText;