不一致的 C26496 警告

Inconsistent C26496 warning

我最近使用结构重构了我的 SDL2 C++ 代码。它编译并运行良好(使用 Visual Studio 2019),但现在抛出一个不一致的警告:

C26496 变量 'Graphic::X' 未初始化。始终初始化一个成员变量。

这对于表示 renderTexture 函数的代码行重复 X = h、w、x 和 y。但是,之前出现的 mouseOverRect 函数不会出现警告,这两个函数都以完全相同的方式使用 Graphic 结构变量。



    int mouse_x;
    int mouse_y;

    struct Graphic
        std::string name;
        std::string type;
        int x;
        int y;
        int h;
        int w;


    SDL_Window* window = NULL;                                      
    SDL_Renderer* renderer = NULL;
    SDL_Rect* clip = NULL;

    //Log Error Function
    void logSDLError(std::ostream &os, const std::string &msg)
        os << msg << " error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;

    //Mouse Over Rectangle Function
    bool mouseOverRect(int x, int y, Graphic &graphic)
        if ((x <= graphic.x + graphic.w) && (x > graphic.x) &&
            (y <= graphic.y + graphic.h) && (y > graphic.y))
            return true;
            return false;

    //Render Texture at Destination Function
    void renderTexture(SDL_Texture* texture, SDL_Renderer* renderer, Graphic &graphic,
        SDL_Rect *clip = nullptr)
        SDL_Rect dest;
        dest.x = graphic.x;
        dest.y = graphic.y;
        dest.h = graphic.h;
        dest.w = graphic.w;

        SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, clip, &dest);

    // Main Function
    int main(int, char**)
        //Start up SDL
        if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0)
            logSDLError(std::cout, "Cannot initialize SDL video.");

        //Setup window and renderer
        SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow("Dragon Hunt", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,
                SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, Screen_Width, Screen_Height, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE);
        if (window == nullptr)
            logSDLError(std::cout, "Cannot create window.");
        SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC);
        if (renderer == nullptr)
            logSDLError(std::cout, "Cannot create renderer.");

        struct Graphic createbutton;
            createbutton.name = "Create Forest";
            createbutton.type = "longbutton";
            createbutton.x = 0;
            createbutton.y = 1 * (Screen_Width / 5) + 5;
            createbutton.h = Screen_Width / 10;
            createbutton.w = Screen_Width / 5;

        SDL_Event e;
            //For tracking if we want to quit
            bool quit = false;
            while (!quit) {
                while (SDL_PollEvent(&e))
                    switch (e.type)
                    case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
                        mouse_x = e.motion.x;
                        mouse_y = e.motion.y;
                        if (mouseOverRect(mouse_x, mouse_y, createbutton))
                            useCreate_Clip = CREATE_HOVER;
                            useCreate_Clip = CREATE_DEFAULT;

        renderTexture(longbutton_image, renderer, createbutton, &create_clips[useCreate_Clip]);

None 的结构成员已初始化。它们在初始化完成后分配给。


Graphic createbutton {
    "Create Forest",
    1 * (Screen_Width / 5) + 5,
    Screen_Width / 10,
    Screen_Width / 5

请注意,此处不需要 struct 关键字。