angular 中的 Highcharts 未垂直旋转

Highcharts not rotating to vertical in angular

我想在 angular 中使用 HighCharts 绘制一个垂直的“条形图”,我做了很多 google 搜索,在那里我发现在图表选项中添加这段代码就可以了,

chart: {
      type: 'column'

chart: {
          type: 'bar'

但是试了很多次都不行,请问有什么解决办法吗? 这是我的 Highchart 代码,


import * as HighCharts from 'highcharts';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'app-main-dashboard',
  templateUrl: './main-dashboard.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./main-dashboard.component.css']
export class MainDashboardComponent implements OnInit {
  highcharts = HighCharts;
  chartOptions: HighCharts.Options = {
    chart: {
      type: 'column'
    title: {
      text: 'Column chart with negative values'
    xAxis: {
      categories: ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Pears', 'Grapes', 'Bananas']
    plotOptions: {
      series: {
        stacking: 'normal'
      column: {
        pointPadding: 0,
        borderWidth: 0,
        groupPadding: 0,
        shadow: false
    series: [{
      type: 'bar',
      name: 'John',
      data: [5, 3, 0, 7, 2]
    }, {
      name: 'Jane',
      type: 'bar',
      data: [2, -2, -3, 0, 1]
    }, {
      type: 'bar',
      name: 'Joe',
      data: [0, 4, 4, -2, 5]
constructor() { }

ngOnInit(): void {



   [Highcharts] = "highcharts" 
   [options] = "chartOptions" 
   style = "width: 100%; height: 400px; display: block;">

它的结果是一个水平条形图, 但我想要这个垂直条形图,只是垂直

是否有任何解决方案,请帮助,我的项目需要它。 谢谢。


series: [{
      type: 'column',
      name: 'John',
      data: [5, 3, 0, 7, 2]
    }, {
      name: 'Jane',
      type: 'column',
      data: [2, -2, -3, 0, 1]
    }, {
      type: 'column',
      name: 'Joe',
      data: [0, 4, 4, -2, 5]