如何使用 javaobject 创建 json。?

how can i create a json using javaobject.?

如何使用 javaobject 创建 json。 ? 我做到了,但出现错误。

我需要构建一个正文以在 PUT 请求中进行解析。 如果有人能帮助我。

public static String generateJSON(String status, String assignee, String comment,String data, String filename, String contentType) throws IOException {

          JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();

          JSONObject statusObj = new JSONObject();
          statusObj.put("status", status);
          statusObj.put("comment", comment); 
          statusObj.put("assignee", assignee); 
          statusObj.put("comment", comment);
          JSONObject evidenceObj = new JSONObject();
          evidenceObj.put("evidence", "newXML");
          evidenceObj.put("data", data);
          evidenceObj.put("filename", filename);
          evidenceObj.put("contentType", contentType);

          // Add the objects to the jsonArray
          // Add the key tests jsonObject to the jsonArray
          evidenceObj.put("add", jsonArray);

          String jsonString = evidenceObj.toString();
          return jsonString;
// ...
evidenceObj.put("add", jsonArray);

你不能那样做,存在循环依赖。 Java 不防止这种行为,当您导出 json


为什么不直接用需要的字段创建自己的 Class,然后使用 jackson 库将其转换为 JSON 字符串,使用方法 writeValueAsString()


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Example exObject = new Example();
    exObject.setField2("second data");

    System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(exObject));


  "field1" : "data",
  "field2" : "second data",
  "field3" : 72

示例 class 是:

private static class Example
    private String field1;
    private String field2;
    private int field3;

    public String getField1()
        return field1;

    public void setField1(String field1)
        this.field1 = field1;

    public String getField2()
        return field2;

    public void setField2(String field2)
        this.field2 = field2;

    public int getField3()
        return field3;

    public void setField3(int field3)
        this.field3 = field3;

注意:例子class必须有getter + setter所有字段的方法

感谢@Adir D 的回复...我在我的代码中应用了它,但是我在实现数组和对象时遇到了一些问题 我的代码示例:

   public static String exampleJSON(String fileName) throws JsonProcessingException {
         //Convert the file to base64
         File file = new File(Setup.xmlPath+fileName);
         String data = encodeFileToBase64(file);
        // create `ObjectMapper` instance   
         ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

         //Create a object and set the information that will be sent to update the test
         UpdateFieldsJSON fields = new UpdateFieldsJSON();
        //Define map which will be converted to JSON
         UploadEvidence[] evidence = Stream.of(
          new UploadEvidence("data", fileName,"plain/text"))

         fields.setEvidences("{"); // I need to create the object and insert the array

        //Convert Object to JSON
         String objecToJSon = mapper.writeValueAsString(fields);
         return objecToJSon;

   This is the output of my code...
    "status": "PASS",
    "comment": "...",
    "assignee": "Miranda Bruno",
    "evidences": null,
    "add": [{
        "data": "data",
        "filename": "1.1newSpot.xml",
        "contentType": "plain/text"


    "status": "PASS",
    "comment": "comment about the test",
    "assignee": "admin",
    "evidences": {
        "add": [{
            "data": "base64",
            "filename": "example.txt",
            "contentType": "plain/text"