在 scss 中创建具有多个属性的 font-variables 的最佳实践是什么?

What's the best practice in creating font-variables with multiple properties in scss?

我正在为我的 Liferay 7 项目创建一个带有 scssvariables 文件,因为我将有多种不同的文本样式,我想知道什么会是最好的写法吗?以下值只是示例。

Text type Font Size Weight Other properties
Title 1 Arial 1.5rem 700
Title 2 Calibri 1.25rem 500 #FF0000
Body Courier 1rem 400
Link Arial 1rem 400 underline


示例 1:

$title1FontFamily: "Arial";
$title2FontFamily: "Calibri";
$bodyFontFamily: "Courier";
$linkFontFamily: "Arial";

$title1FontSize: 1.5rem
$title2FontSize: 1.25rem
$bodyFontSize: 1rem // not really necessary, if base
$linkFontSize: 1rem // not really necessary, if base

// ...

.title1 {
  font-family: $title1FontFamily;
  font-size: $title1FontSize;
  // ...

// or

.title2 {
  font: $title2FontFamily $title2FontSize;

示例 2:

$title1Font: Arial 1.5rem 700;
$title2Font: Calibri 1.25rem 500 #FF0000;
$bodyFont: Courier 1rem 400;
$linkFont: Arial 1rem 400 underline;

.title1 {
  font: $title1Font;


.font-one { 
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 1rem;
  line-height: 1.2em;

只要调用 class @extend .font-one,基本上就可以创建项目并共享样式。这里有更多信息:https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/extend