识别具有特殊 NTFS 访问权限的用户

Identify User with special NTFS access permission


Get-Acl $path | 
    select -ExpandProperty Access | 
    where { $_.IdentityReference -match "Users" } |
    select -Property * -ExcludeProperty IsInherited |
           FileSystemRights AccessControlType IdentityReference                InheritanceFlags PropagationFlags
           ---------------- ----------------- -----------------                ---------------- ----------------
ReadAndExecute, Synchronize             Allow BUILTIN\Users     ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit             None
                 AppendData             Allow BUILTIN\Users                    ContainerInherit             None
                CreateFiles             Allow BUILTIN\Users                    ContainerInherit             None



Special 只是指与 ReadWrite.


在您的情况下,BUILTIN\Users 在第一个条目中具有 ReadAndExecute 预设,但也具有 AppendDataCreateFiles 权限。这两个权限不是完整的 Write 权限,因此它们显示为 Special.

如果您想为您的 BUILTIN\Users 群组删除这些特定权限,您可以使用如下方式:

$path = 'C:\temp\temp'
$acl = get-acl $path

# Check the existing rights
$acl.Access | where IdentityReference -Like 'BUILTIN\Users'

# Get a list of the rules to remove
$rules = $acl.access | Where-Object { 
    !$_.IsInherited -and 
    $_.IdentityReference -like 'BUILTIN\Users' -and
    $_.FileSystemRights -in 'AppendData','CreateFiles'

# Remove those rules from the ACL object 
ForEach($rule in $rules) {

# Check that the remaining rules look good:

# Finally, set the ACL
# WARNING: setting file permissions can of course lock you out of files, so be careful!
Set-Acl -Path $path -AclObject $acl

请注意,您问题中的示例显示这两个权限也已通过 InheritanceFlags: ContainerInherit 应用于子文件夹。因此,当您更新 ACL 时,它会尝试将更改应用到所有子文件夹。

如果您真的想删除 C:\ 根目录下的权限条目,就像您的屏幕截图一样,您可以 运行 解决您没有权限的子文件夹的问题。



$path = 'C:\temp'
$acl = get-acl $path

##Remove Inheritance from Top Folders and Child Objects
Foreach($folder in $path) { 
 icacls $folder /inheritance:d
 Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -Recurse | ?{$_.PSisContainer} | foreach {$subfolder = $_.FullName; icacls $subfolder /inheritance:d}

# Check the existing rights
$acl.Access | where IdentityReference -Like 'BUILTIN\Users'

# Get a list of the rules to remove
$rules = $acl.access | Where-Object { 
    !$_.IsInherited -and 
    $_.IdentityReference -like 'BUILTIN\Users' -and
    $_.FileSystemRights -in 'CreateFiles, AppendData'

# Remove those rules from the ACL object 
ForEach($rule in $rules) {

# Check that the remaining rules look good:

# Finally, set the ACL

Set-Acl -Path $path -AclObject $acl