
Extend part of an object

我正在尝试延长箭头的 'tail'。到目前为止,我已经能够通过箭头的中心画一条线,但这条线延伸 'both' 种方式,而不是只在一个方向上。下面的脚本显示了我的进度。 理想情况下 无论箭头图像的方向如何,我都能够延长箭头的尾部。关于如何实现这一点的任何建议。 下面的图片示例,L:R开始、进度、目标。

# import image and grayscale
image = cv2.imread("image path")
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# inverts black and white
gray = 255 - image
cv2.imshow("Inverted", gray)

# Extend the borders for the line
extended = cv2.copyMakeBorder(gray, 20, 20, 10, 10, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
cv2.imshow("extended borders", extended)

# contour finding
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(extended, 1, 2)
cont = contours[0]
rows,cols = extended.shape[:2]
[vx,vy,x,y] = cv2.fitLine(cont, cv2.DIST_L2,0,0.01,0.01)
leftish = int((-x*vy/vx) + y)
rightish = int(((cols-x)*vy/vx)+y)
line = cv2.line(extended,(cols-1,rightish),(0,leftish),(255,255,255), 6)
cv2.imshow("drawn line", line)



高阶矩可以成为更高统计量度的基石,例如 协方差偏度.

  • Using covariance,你可以计算你的点集的长轴,或者在这种情况下你的箭头。

  • Using skewness,你可以找出分布的哪一侧比另一侧重...即哪一侧是箭头的尖端,哪一侧是箭头的尾部。

这应该会给你一个非常精确的角度。然而,scale/radius 最好使用其他方式进行估计。您会注意到根据箭头区域估算的半径略有波动。你可以找到距离中心最远的属于箭头的点,并将其作为一个比较稳定的长度。


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv

# utilities to convert between 2D vectors and complex numbers
# complex numbers are handy for rotating stuff

def to_complex(vec):
    assert vec.shape[-1] == 2
    if vec.dtype == np.float32:
        return vec.view(np.complex64)
    elif vec.dtype == np.float64:
        return vec.view(np.complex128)
        assert False, vec.dtype

def from_complex(cplx):
    if cplx.dtype == np.complex64:
        return cplx.view(np.float32)
    elif cplx.dtype == np.complex128:
        return cplx.view(np.float64)
        assert False, cplx.dtype

# utilities for drawing with fractional bits of position
# just to make a pretty picture

def iround(val):
    return int(round(val))

def ipt(vec, shift=0):
    if isinstance(vec, (int, float)):
        return iround(vec * 2**shift)

    elif isinstance(vec, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
        return tuple(iround(el * 2**shift) for el in vec)

        assert False, type(vec)

# utilities for affine transformation
# just to make a pretty picture

def rotate(degrees=0):
    # we want positive rotation
    # meaning move +x towards +y
    # getRotationMatrix2D does it differently
    result = np.eye(3).astype(np.float32)
    result[0:2, 0:3] = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center=(0,0), angle=-degrees, scale=1.0)
    return result

def translate(dx=0, dy=0):
    result = np.eye(3).astype(np.float32)
    result[0:2,2] = [dx, dy]
    return result

# main logic

def calculate_direction(im):
    # using "nonzero" (default behavior) is a little noisy
    mask = (im >= 128)

    m = cv.moments(mask.astype(np.uint8), binaryImage=True)

    # easier access... see below for details
    m00 = m['m00']
    m10 = m['m10']
    m01 = m['m01']
    mu00 = m00
    mu20 = m['mu20']
    mu11 = m['mu11']
    mu02 = m['mu02']

    nu30 = m['nu30']
    nu03 = m['nu03']

    # that's just the centroid
    cx = m10 / m00
    cy = m01 / m00
    centroid = np.array([cx, cy]) # as a vector

    # and that's the size in pixels:
    size = m00
    # and that's an approximate "radius", if it were a circle which it isn't
    radius = (size / np.pi) ** 0.5
    # (since the "size" in pixels can fluctuate due to resampling, so will the "radius")

    # wikipedia helpfully mentions "image orientation" as an example:
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_moment#Examples_2
    # we'll use that for the major axis
    mup20 = mu20 / mu00
    mup02 = mu02 / mu00
    mup11 = mu11 / mu00
    theta = 0.5 * np.arctan2(2 * mup11, mup20 - mup02)

    #print(f"angle: {theta / np.pi * 180:+6.1f} degrees")

    # we only have the axis, not yet the direction

    # we will assess "skewness" now
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness#Definition
    # note how "positive" skewness appears in a distribution:
    # it points away from the heavy side, towards the light side

    # fortunately, cv.moments() also calculates those "standardized moments"
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standardized_moment#Standard_normalization

    skew = np.array([nu30, nu03])
    #print("skew:", skew)

    # we'll have to *rotate* that so it *roughly* lies along the x axis
    # then assess which end is the heavy/light end
    # then use that information to maybe flip the axis,
    # so it points in the direction of the arrow

    skew_complex = to_complex(skew) # reinterpret two reals as one complex number
    rotated_skew_complex = skew_complex * np.exp(1j * -theta) # rotation
    rotated_skew = from_complex(rotated_skew_complex)

    #print("rotated skew:", rotated_skew)

    if rotated_skew[0] > 0: # pointing towards tail
        theta = (theta + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) # flip direction 180 degrees
    else: # pointing towards head

    print(f"angle: {theta / np.pi * 180:+6.1f} degrees")

    # construct a vector that points like the arrow in the picture
    direction = np.exp([1j * theta])
    direction = from_complex(direction)

    return (radius, centroid, direction)

def draw_a_picture(im, radius, centroid, direction):
    height, width = im.shape[:2]

    # take the source at half brightness
    canvas = cv.cvtColor(im // 2, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    shift = 4 # prettier drawing

        center=ipt(centroid, shift),
        radius=ipt(radius, shift),
        thickness=iround(radius * 0.1),

    # (-direction) meaning point the *opposite* of the arrow's direction, i.e. towards tail
        pt1=ipt(centroid + direction * radius * -3.0, shift), 
        pt2=ipt(centroid + direction * radius * +3.0, shift), 
        thickness=iround(radius * 0.05),

        pt1=ipt(centroid + (-direction) * radius * 3.5, shift), 
        pt2=ipt(centroid + (-direction) * radius * 4.5, shift), 
        thickness=iround(radius * 0.15),

    return canvas

if __name__ == '__main__':
    imfile = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else "p7cmR.png"
    src = cv.imread(imfile, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    src = 255 - src # invert (white arrow on black background)

    height, width = src.shape[:2]
    diagonal = np.hypot(height, width)
    outsize = int(np.ceil(diagonal * 1.3)) # fudge factor

    cv.namedWindow("arrow", cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv.resizeWindow("arrow", 5*outsize, 5*outsize)

    angle = 0 # degrees
    increment = +1
    do_spin = True
    while True:
        print(f"{angle:+.0f} degrees")

        M = translate(dx=+outsize/2, dy=+outsize/2) @ rotate(degrees=angle) @ translate(dx=-width/2, dy=-height/2)

        im = cv.warpAffine(src, M=M[:2], dsize=(outsize, outsize), flags=cv.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv.BORDER_REPLICATE)
        # resampling introduces blur... except when it's an even number like 0 degrees, 90 degrees, ...
        # so at even rotations, things will jump a little.
        # this rotation is only for demo purposes

        (radius, centroid, direction) = calculate_direction(im)

        canvas = draw_a_picture(im, radius, centroid, direction)

        cv.imshow("arrow", canvas)

        if do_spin:
            angle = (angle + increment) % 360


        key = cv.waitKeyEx(30 if do_spin else -1)
        if key == -1:
        elif key in (0x0D, 0x20): # ENTER (CR), SPACE
            do_spin = not do_spin # toggle spinning
        elif key == 27: # ESC
            break # end program
        elif key == 0x250000: # VK_LEFT
            increment = -abs(increment)
            angle += increment
        elif key == 0x270000: # VK_RIGHT
            increment = +abs(increment)
            angle += increment
            print(f"key 0x{key:02x}")