IllegalStateException: 不能 Subscrie.Processor 已经终止

IllegalStateException: Cannot Subscrie.Processor is already terminated

我创建了一个新的 eventhub 并尝试将消息发布到 eventHubA。当我尝试向 eventhub 发送消息时,出现以下错误:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: namespace[xxxxx] entityPath[xxxxx]: Cannot subscribe. Processor is already terminated at


public void send(Response response) {
        String responseInString = JsonHandlingUtil.objectToJsonString(response);

        EventData eventData = new EventData(responseInString);
        // create a batch
        EventDataBatch eventDataBatch = producer.createBatch();

        // try to add the event from the array to the batch
        if (!eventDataBatch.tryAdd(eventData)) {
            // if the batch is full, send it and then create a new batch
            eventDataBatch = producer.createBatch();

            // Try to add that event that couldn't fit before.
            if (!eventDataBatch.tryAdd(eventData)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event is too large for an empty batch. Max size: "
                        + eventDataBatch.getMaxSizeInBytes());
        // send the last batch of remaining events
        if (eventDataBatch.getCount() > 0) {

我已经将 eventhubProducerClient 定义为一个 Bean。

    public EventHubProducerClient eventHubProducerClient() {
        return new EventHubClientBuilder()
                .connectionString(connectionString, eventHubName)

下面是我的 gradle 依赖项

>    //eventhub
>         implementation ''
>         implementation group: 'io.projectreactor', name: 'reactor-core', version: '3.4.6'

follow-up 问题看来,根本原因似乎已被确认为 send 方法中的 producer.close() 调用。

由于应用程序似乎将生产者作为单例进行管理,因此缓解措施是在事件不再发布时调用 close,例如当应用程序正在关闭。