如何使用 Graphviz 将节点放置在其他节点之上?

How to place nodes on top of others with Graphviz?

我正在尝试设计一种具有特定颜色和形状的非常特定类型的图表,但我无法判断这是否可以通过 Graphviz 实现。



我已经达到了第三个要求,但我正在努力执行最后一个要求。您如何将方形节点(rectsquarebox 等)放置在第一组节点(彩色矩形)的顶部,以便它们完全适合中间框的尺寸他们是为了掩盖?使用 Graphviz 甚至可能吗?

示例代码 (Python):

from graphviz import Digraph

# Dictionary storing relations between nodes
d = {0: set([1, 2, 3]), 
     1: set([4, 5, 6]), 
     2: set([7, 8, 9, 10]), 
     3: set([0]), 
     4: set([]), 
     5: set([]), 
     6: set([]), 
     7: set([]), 
     8: set([0]), 
     9: set([]), 
     10: set([])} 

# List of node labels (3 labels per node)
P = [('S', 'M', 'S'),
     ('M', 'S', 'L'),
     ('M', 'S', 'S'),
     ('M', 'S', 'M'),
     ('S', 'L', 'L'),
     ('S', 'L', 'M'),
     ('S', 'L', 'X'),
     ('S', 'S', 'S'),
     ('S', 'S', 'M'),
     ('S', 'S', 'L'),
     ('S', 'S', 'X')]

# Dictionary storing the colors corresponding to each label
c = {'S':'olivedrab1', 

# Create a "directed graph" with general node and edge attributes
G = Digraph(node_attr={'shape':'record',  
                       'style':'rounded, filled',
G.attr('graph', bgcolor='transparent')

# 1st pass: create all nodes (0 to 10)
for k in d:
    l1, l2, l3 = P[k]
    # set specific attribute to each node (label & colors)
    G.attr('node', label='{} | {} | {}'.format(l1, ' ', l2), fillcolor='{}:{}'.format(c[l1], c[l2]))

# 2nd pass: create edges between nodes
for k in d:
    l1, l2, l3 = P[k]
    for i in d[k]:
        if i in d:
            G.edge(str(k), str(i))

# Then, how to overlap black square nodes ?

我认为在 dot/graphviz 中不可能强制节点将一个节点叠加到另一个节点上;我想这会打败视觉渲染图形的全部意义。

此代码对节点使用 HTML(-like)形状;这些描述了一个三单元格 table,左侧和右侧具有渐变颜色,中间为纯黑色和白色文本。

import graphviz

# Dictionary storing relations between nodes
d = {0: set([1, 2, 3]), 
     1: set([4, 5, 6]), 
     2: set([7, 8, 9, 10]), 
     3: set([0]), 
     4: set([]), 
     5: set([]), 
     6: set([]), 
     7: set([]), 
     8: set([0]), 
     9: set([]), 
     10: set([])} 

# List of node labels (3 labels per node)
P = [('S', 'M', 'S'),
     ('M', 'S', 'L'),
     ('M', 'S', 'S'),
     ('M', 'S', 'M'),
     ('S', 'L', 'L'),
     ('S', 'L', 'M'),
     ('S', 'L', 'X'),
     ('S', 'S', 'S'),
     ('S', 'S', 'M'),
     ('S', 'S', 'L'),
     ('S', 'S', 'X')]

# Dictionary storing the colors corresponding to each label
c = {'S':'olivedrab1:grey', 

# Create a "directed graph" with general node and edge attributes
G = graphviz.Digraph(
G.attr('graph', bgcolor='transparent')

# 1st pass: create all nodes (0 to 10)
for k in d:
    l1, l2, l3 = P[k]
    <TD BGCOLOR="{c[l1]}" GRADIENTANGLE="45">{l1}</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white">{l2}</FONT></TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="{c[l3]}" GRADIENTANGLE="135">{l3}</TD>

# 2nd pass: create edges between nodes
for k in d:
    l1, l2, l3 = P[k]
    for i in d[k]:
        if i in d:
            G.edge(str(k), str(i))




  • 当形状设置为 'plain'
  • 时,节点获得 HTML 的形状
  • 颜色渐变在单元格 <TD> 中指定为 BGCOLOR=“colour1:colour2”
  • 渐变的角度也在单元格 <TD> 中指定,例如 GRADIENTANGLE=“45”

更多关于 HTML 节点的信息:http://graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html#gradientangle