如何延迟 C++ 中静态对象(记录器)的销毁?

How to delay destruction of static object (logger) in C++?

我得到了一个 class,它将应用程序的记录器保存为 unique_ptr。可以通过静态函数设置记录器。此外,显然可以记录消息。我省略了任何线程同步(互斥锁)以使事情变得更容易。

class LoggerWrapper {
  static void SetLogger(std::unique_ptr<logger::ILogger> new_logger);

  static void Log(const std::string& message);

  static std::unique_ptr<logger::ILogger> logger_;
void LoggerWrapper::Log(const std::string& message) {
  if (!logger_) {
    // cannot log
  } else {

void LoggerWrapper::SetLogger(std::unique_ptr<logger::ILogger> new_logger) {
  logger_ = std::move(new_logger);

我的问题是:unique_ptr 在应用程序中的其他一些 class 之前被破坏。 例如Class Foo 的 DTOR 想要记录一些东西,unique_ptr 可能已经被销毁了(目前就是这种情况)。这会导致 ILogger 实现被破坏,导致无法输出日志。

有没有人知道如何轻松解决这个问题? 我需要以某种方式“延迟”静态 unique_ptr 的破坏。我也尝试将其更改为 shared_ptr,但这只会导致 SIGABRT 出现“调用纯虚拟方法”错误。


编辑:创建了一个与我的经验相矛盾的最小工作示例。在这种情况下,静态记录器比 Foo class.

EDIT2:我的应用程序使用 exit。这似乎改变了破坏的顺序。

EDIT3:exit 不会 破坏本地对象。


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#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class ILogger {
  ILogger() {
      std::cout << "ILogger CTOR" << std::endl;
  ~ILogger() {
      std::cout << "ILogger DTOR" << std::endl;
  virtual void OnLogEvent(const std::string& log_message) {
        std::cout << "OnLogEvent: " << log_message << std::endl;

class LoggerWrapper {
  static void SetLogger(std::unique_ptr<ILogger> new_logger) {
  logger_ = std::move(new_logger);

  static void Log(const std::string& message) {
  if (!logger_) {
    // cannot log
  } else {

  static std::unique_ptr<ILogger> logger_;

class Foo {
   Foo(const std::string& name) : name_{name} {
       LoggerWrapper::Log(name_ + ": CTOR");
   ~Foo() {
       LoggerWrapper::Log(name_ + ": DTOR");
   std::string name_;

// declaring logger_ first causes it to be deleted AFTER foo
std::unique_ptr<ILogger> LoggerWrapper::logger_;
std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo;

int main()
    foo = std::make_unique<Foo>("Global FOO");
    // local variables do NOT get destroyed when calling exit!
    auto foo_local = Foo("Local FOO");



首先你不使用全局静态对象(你不应该那样使用全局状态)。您使用函数静态对象,因此您可以控制 creation/destruction.



std::unique_ptr<ILogger> LoggerWrapper::logger_;
std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo;


 class GlobalLogger
         ILogger& getLogger() {
             static ILogger  logger;  // if you must use unique_ptr you can do that here
             return logger;           // But much simpler to use a normal object.
  class GlobalFoo
          Foo& getFoo() {
              // If there is a chance that foo is going to 
              // use global logger in its destructor
              // then it should simply call `GlobalLogger::getLogger()`
              // in the constructor of Foo. You then 
              // guarantee the order of creation and thus destruction.
              // Alternatively, you can call it here in thus
              // function just before the declaration of foo.
              static Foo foo;
              return foo;

  // Where you were using `logger_` use `GlobalLogger::getLogger()`
  // Where you were using `foo`     use `GlobalFoo::getFoo()`


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

// Please don't do this.
// This is the number one worst practice.
using namespace std;

class ILogger {
        ILogger() {
            std::cout << "ILogger CTOR" << std::endl;
        ~ILogger() {
            std::cout << "ILogger DTOR" << std::endl;

        virtual void OnLogEvent(const std::string& log_message) {
            std::cout << "OnLogEvent: " << log_message << std::endl;

class LoggerWrapper
    // Here store the logger
    // as a static member of this private function.
    // The the SetLogger() Log() functions get this reference.
    static std::unique_ptr<ILogger>& getLogReference() {
        static std::unique_ptr<ILogger> logger;
        return logger;

        static void SetLogger(std::unique_ptr<ILogger> new_logger) {
            // Save the new reference.
            getLogReference() = std::move(new_logger);

        // Use the logger if it has been set.
        static void Log(const std::string& message) {
            std::unique_ptr<ILogger>& logger_ = getLogReference();
            if (!logger_) {
                // cannot log
            } else {

class Foo {
        Foo(const std::string& name) : name_{name} {
            // This calls Log()
            // Which calls getLogReference()
            // Which forces the creation of the function static
            // variable logger so it is created before this
            // object is fully initialized (if it has not already
            // been created).
            // This means this object was created after the logger
            LoggerWrapper::Log(name_ + ": CTOR");
        ~Foo() {
            // Because the Log() function was called in the
            // constructor we know the loger was fully constructed first
            // thus this object will be destroyed first
            // so the logger object is guaranteed to be
            // available in this objects destructor
            // so it is safe to use.
            LoggerWrapper::Log(name_ + ": DTOR");
        std::string name_;

std::unique_ptr<Foo>& globalFoo() {
    // foo may destroy an object created later
    // that has a destructor that calls LoggerWrapper::Log()
    // So we need to call the Log function here before foo
    // is created.
    LoggerWrapper::Log("Initializing Global foo");
    // Note: Unless somebody else has explicitly called SetLogger()
    // the above line is unlikely to log anything as the logger
    // will be null at this point.

    static std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo;
    return foo;

int main()
    globalFoo() = std::make_unique<Foo>("Global FOO");

    // local variables do NOT get destroyed when calling exit!
    auto foo_local = Foo("Local FOO");



  1. 不要使用全局对象,只使用原始指针,您可以按正确的顺序销毁自己。
  2. 使用指向您永远不会破坏的记录器的指针。这在技术上是内存泄漏,但内核会在您的应用程序退出时进行清理。
  3. 为您的记录器使用 shared_ptr。每个使用记录器的对象都会得到一个 shared_ptr,记录器将在最后一个对象被销毁后被清理。